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Okay so one of my college Professors runs a tobacco cessation progam at one of the local hospitals. I went to meet with her and she discussed the hospitals quitting smoking program. She Said to take the wellbutrin 150mg and a nicotine patch 21mg. Also if i need another patch to put one on which is an extra 14mg or if i need the inhaler another 10mg to use that. Then after three weeks cut down to step 2 and use the inhaler or lozengers etc. I explained to her this is alot of nicotine how am i suppose to get off this and she said the delivery system is different because its transdermal and the inahler ur just puffing on it and the nicotine receptors will soon shut down one by one..???????????? idk have any of you tried this method????/ i have the patch on today 21 mg and i used the inahler twice thats 20mg and i still feel like i need a cigarette and i do have more energy so idk if im withdrawing or what


Are you smoking 3 packs of cigarettes a day? This level of NRT sounds extreme.

The patch is designed to help supplement the nicotine so you don't feel so overwhelmed with the relearning process on top of the nicotine withdrawal.

The wellbutrin is designed to increase your mood and reduce the 'need to smoke' feeling.

The NRTs and quit smoking medicines are designed to help take the edge off so you can focus on living life and leave the 'old habit' behind. Then when you get your new routine underway, you can reduce the NRT.

These NRTs and anti-depressants can't quit smoking for you. You have to decide to quit. Commit to quit. Honor that commitment.


Sounds like over kill to me and dangerously. Every one is diffrent. I did it with no NRT's and living with a somker.. Some use the patch  and do fine with it. Once  your finaly rid of the patch you still have 3 days were need to get  rid of the nicoteen in your system. I just read the book, and learned to distract myself, and got lot of support.

How ever you chose to quit, Its mind that really need to be in the right place.

Renee 32 days


This is part 1:  

If you are trying to quit smoking, you know that it won't be an easy task. There are lots of resources available now to help you in your journey. You should consult your physician before starting a smoking cessation program so that he may evaluate your medical condition and provide advice specifically suited to your needs to ensure medical safety and the highest chances of quitting successfully. If you choose to use nicotine patches, these are available over the counter without a prescription. However, never use a nicotine patch and smoke at the same time. Smoking and wearing a nicotine patch at the same time can cause a nicotine overdose which can sometimes cause death. Be aware of any symptoms you develop while wearing a nicotine patch to recognize a possible nicotine overdose.

Nausea and Vomiting

One of the first symptoms of a nicotine overdose is nausea. Eventually the nausea will worsen and you may experience nausea with vomiting. This occurs as your body is trying to rid itself of the nicotine that it recognizes as a poison.

Read more:


This is part 2 of the same article:

Blood Pressure Changes

Initially, a nicotine overdose will cause a rise in blood pressure. If you are continually smoking while wearing the nicotine patch or have been exposed to high levels of nicotine, your blood pressure will then begin to decrease. Low blood pressures can then cause irreversible kidney damage.


As blood pressure changes occur, headaches are common. The headaches will be worse when your blood pressure is high and may feel unbearable. You may feel that it is one of the worst headaches that you have ever experienced. However, some people may only experience mild headaches, or less commonly, no headache at all.

Rapid Heartbeat

Nicotine is a stimulant that acts on the central nervous system. The central nervous system controls many bodily functions, but of the most important is heart rate. While experiencing a nicotine overdose, you will experience an increased heart rate. Your pulse may feel very rapid and weak. Following this, your heart rate will slow as your body succumbs to the effects of nicotine poisoning.


One of the last symptoms that people experience is weakness and fatigue. Breathing and heart rate begin to slow and you may experience dizziness and drowsiness. Without medical attention, breathing and heart rate may cease altogether or you may fall into a coma.

Read more:                                                                                      

It sounds like your "professor" needs to be fired immediately before you overdose on nicotine!!!!! ***** Follow the directions EXACTLY on these NRT's***** Look for these signs of OVERDOSE....yes, you can overdose and DIE from too much nicotine. ALWAYS check with you doctor first, as well!!!  


this does sound like  overkill... if yo are really ready to quit ... then you shuld stop smoking... period... to be successful you have to want to quit more than you want to smoke.. it is an addiction... and you will get withdrawal  which is not fun.. i suggest you read allen carrs book easy way to quit smoking or go to

both are free


I really don't like the sound of this AT ALL!!! That Professor's method of teaching people to quit is by killing them a different way! Personally, I have quit at least 4 times before this one. I tried Chantix, I tried Wellbutrin, I did quit for a 3-year period cold turkey once a long time ago, I quit once for a good amount of time using the patch.  

This time, my forever quit, I used the patch for 3 days then realized I didn't really want nicotine at all anymore. I haven't looked back.

My point is - the most effective tool bar none is YOU! Your mindset is what will actually work! Please take advantage of the links above. I would avoid that "Professor". By the way, did she ever smoke? She sounds like a quack.


Sounds like the DR Hurt Method to me.

A 21MG Patch is equal to a pack.

A 14MG Patch is equal to  2/3 of a pack

Did she she teach you the nicotine dance with the 3 spins and the fall down yet?


I agree wholeheartedly with what has been posted.  I would definitely check with your medical doctor before embarking on this recommended plan.

Do the reading suggested above.   I think you will find after that that you will be in a better place to decide what quit smoking aid is best for you, and then you can check with your doctor.

At any rate, your decision to quit smoking is a watershed moment for you.  Stick with it and you will find this new freedom well worth the little period of discomfort you need to go through to attain it!


Quit 7/4/12


yikes...................big yikes


Sounds like nicotine overdose to me !!! Do the reading and decide what is best for you


The BEST Smoking Cessation Tool available at any price is FREE! It's right between your ears! Without retraining your brain you can stack 5 NRTs and still fail! You must get your mind in the right place and that only happens by READING a lot!

The Easy Way by Allen Carr

and, of course, here!

Ask your prof if she quit smoking and how??? I'll bet it wasn't like she describes!


Kerrid...what I think and it is only MY OPINION but htis is not first time at the rodeo here on EX. Maybe this time you might want to consider doing the sugessted reading, putting together a 'quit kit' and walking through some nothing more than uncomfortable days to be free from nicotine addiction. How much do you smoke? That plays a role in how to quit. Sounds like way too much nicotine and drug help to be released from nicotine and drug addiction...xo



Cutest graphic...too bad it did not post! xo


Oh goodie! It xo


i dont know guys ..i sent this message to my professor and she responded this back to me ..there has been research on this method im going to try it


First of all, try not to focus on the MG of nicotine you believe you are taking in.  Taking nicotine via a patch or inhaler does not metabolize the same way as inhaling a burning cigarette. A 10mg inhaler really only delivers 4mg and we metabolize about 2mg.You are not getting too much, in fact, you should be using the inhaler more often than 2X day.   Chances are you will have breakthrough cravings using such infrequent dosing.  Our center abides by the Clinical Practice Guidelines set forth by the CDC, and I will provide the link to the research for your reassurance.


you guys can try whatever method works ill let you know how it goes..ill be the guine pig hah