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Share your quitting journey

What do I do until then?

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Okay so I just joined and I'm excited but scared and hesitant.  I tried to set a quit date of January 4, but the program suggested February 4...this was one of the things that made me feel like I could really do it this time...the fact that the program suggested a later date (cause we both knew I wouldnt be ready by 1/4) was a good sign for me.  The question is: what am I supposed to do until then...smoke?  I started tracking today, is there anything else I can do to lead up to 2/4?

11 Comentarios

I quit 2 days before i  found this site so i didnt go by anything except my own way. I just quit making excuses and let it go. It was easy for me, i just quit. You do whatever works for you, as long as it works. Try and go as long as you can without a drag. Try to believe you have the power in you, YOU CAN DO THIS and you will. Is all about attitude and actions........for me i made it simple.........i didnt want to drag it out in time in my mind or my body..i just wanted it be game over. Nobody can tell you, you just  must make the simple choice, smoke or not smoke........... i highly believe to not smoke is the choice to begin gettiing ready for and taking the no smoke high...........its great


Welcome : )

You are already on the right track using the site to help keep track of your cigs per day.  I would encourage you to look into the seperation excercises and start trying them now while you are 1st starting.  They were a big help for me and great encouragement.  The feeling I got when I made it 3 hours into the day without a smoke was a better high than any cig ever gave me!  The exercises are siple to do and most of them are baby steps which are doable if you take them step by step. : )  Good luck to you : )


track yes.  read.  on this web-site and others.  read blogs of others who have quit.  etc.


Smoke 'em if you got 'em until your quit date... Don't look at it as "quitting" smoking. Look at it as re-gaining freedom, and a healthy lifestyle. The problem with people looking at it as "I'm quitting smoking", or "


Im wit jeannie.


You take control.


Decide and just do it.


tracking is cool, knowing when you smoke, and every time you light up think about the fact that you are smoking because you are addicted to nicotine.

Read, get info, and just do it!


check out the laughing baby and don't smoke. the laughing baby is on the separation suggests at this site. It will take you to youtube but watching that was better than any cigarette.


What is important is that YOU know what THE PLAN is: YOUR PLAN. Ultimately the plan is to not smoke. The oppertunities to practise not smoking between now and your Quit date may INDEED find you days or even weeks past the last cigerrette.
What I took as advise was to count the quit from the 24 hours after the last smoke. I made a note of that and essentially when the day dawned that I had not smoked the day  befor I have gone on from that point.

For me the important work is knowing what my plan is, and also what I am doing to maintain the quit as an ex. For me reviewing and redefining my plan and my quit is a way of dealing with the difficulites that arise as they arise.

I read quit smoking books, one after another, out of the library. I have daily and monthly goals for how to define my success in what I am doing with the time I have now.

Once the quit is on the new focus becomes the lifestyle choices that are not any longer in relation to the issue of smoking or quitting smoking. The new focus becomes not the abuse of smoking, or the choice to stop the abuse by not smoking but the unlining neglect that allowed the abuse to start and take over to begin with.

The beauty of the becoming an ex community is that where ever and what ever the individule with this addiction is at there is oppertunity to find, express, try, succeed and share about the experiance of healing this addiction, and then establishing a lifestyle that is free from the neglect of whatever it was the individule was needing to begin with.

You and I do not have to smoke. You can stop inhaling toxic poison smoke and then decide that your "quit date" is any day after that. I am not going to count my Quit date until after the new year and then I will have my current quit time and the date that transpired whenever it was.

For me the important thing is not smoking. After that not using any alternative delivery system. After that that day after day and week after week goes by. After that months. After that years. For me the momentum is building. I wake up excited because I am waking up an Ex!

Bon Voyage!


Check out Allen Carr..."Easy Way to 'Stop Smoking"'s an ebook u can find free online. Look at smoking from the addiction perspective. It really is just a mind thing. Start by telling yourself, "I'm not going to smoke today" and then the same the next day. Before u know it you'll be there. It's not hard, it's just scary but so is a life conrolled by addiction. The key word is controlled. Good luck! U can do it.


sThanks to everybody for your help.  I was pumped yesterday but today I'm actually terrified.  Is this normal?  I feel like a weirdo actually being afraid of not smoking.  I know its mental, but my mind is my biggest obstacle.  I'm really worried that I might not be able to do this. Its pathetic. 


I too am scared and my quit date is January 15th.  I too wake up and the first thing i do is smoke and it is gross.  I am starting today by just being aware of my smoking and try to go asw long as I can without one.  I have smoke for 30 years and it is way past time to stop but I am determined to do it this time.