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Share your quitting journey

What did YOU do???

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A little "activity" for the evening.......

Just wondering if you quit at the end of a pack.....meaning did you cleanly make your quit coincide with the last cigarette in your pack


Did you throw out the rest of a pack or a carton?

I always find it interesting to read the blogs of people who are getting ready for their quit day or getting ready to quit. We are always so concerned with "finishing the pack."

If I don't quit tomorrow, I'll have to buy another pack......................

I was supposed to quit this morning, but I had seven cigarettes left.................

My quit date is in two days so I am trying to make this pack last until then........................

I realize a lot of it has to do with expense. They are enormously expensive so I guess we want our money's worth?

I sort of did it both ways.......I  went a whole day without cigarettes because I thought I had left the pack at home ----and as I said, did not want to buy more because of the $$$$. When I got home, I found the pack was empty. While on my way out the door to buy more, my guardian angel tapped me on the shoulder and said......"HEY, WAIT A MINUTE!!!!! If you can go this long without much longer can you go?" And the rest is history.

So---what did you do? Even it out cleanly to the end of the pack.....or throw the little suckers away?

26 Comentarios




Sounds to me your skinny dipping with all your clothes on. You say your quit date is two days from now and your trying to make this pack last until then and talk about the expenses sounds to me that is the Junky side of your mind doing the talking. Hey we know sometimes it is hard to get everything together but it is your decision (make a decision you can quit with). Stop torturing yourself. Every cigarette you smoke means you still have 72 hours of nicotine in your system.

I know that I ran out of cigarettes the night before I quit and I didn't buy another pack because I was so excited about quitting I knew I didn't want to continue. If I had bought another pack I would of probably thought just like you--I can't just though these away.

So I think you should just see how much longer you can go. You can do it.



i saved one cigarette for when i woke up the morning of my quit.

i never set a quit date until 4 days before I quit when i knew I was buying my last pack because I didn't want to feel pressured.


I finished mine around 200 pm so that's when I quit and changed my clock right then instead of next days date I think it worked out good had like 9 hours awake without then slept and started stacking whole days kinda made me feel like I got through a day even though it was not 24 hours 


I finished mine around 200 pm so that's when I quit and changed my clock right then instead of next days date I think it worked out good had like 9 hours awake without then slept and started stacking whole days kinda made me feel like I got through a day even though it was not 24 hours 


sootie quit 4 years ago


I had several quits so did it differently each time using all of your scenarios. But for my last and final, quit thanks to EX, I finished the pack that night and bought no more.


I had been contemplating quitting for some time and one evening while at Walmart, I bought a box of patches not knowing when I might use them.  The next morning, I put on a patch instead of smoking that first cigarette and put my cigs and lighter on top of the china cabinet.  I just checked and they are still there five and a half months later.  Almost a full pack.


I thought of quitting for about 6 months and came up with lots of excuses not to. Then one day I bought patches and planned on quitting when my cigarettes were gone. Ironically once I made the plan I smoked a whole lot less and my quit day ended up being a few days later than I expected. I didn't like the day my quit day fell on and my mind started playing the maybe I should get another pack as this isn't a good day. I then realized I could play that game forever and there would never be a good day that would please that little voice.  I knew I had to take control and just do it. I had a couple cigarettes left and I just went outside and smoked the last few up. I live in Minnesota and it was around 8 below so I can't say it was enjoyable. In fact as I was standing out there freezing I told myself how lucky I was that I would never be doing that again. I was going to finally be stronger than the nicotine. The next morning I woke up a non-smoker. That darn little voice keeps talking but I tell it to shut up because I deserve to be healthier and have more money. That little voice telling me a cigarette will make me feel good I call Satan's voice trying to tempt me to do the wrong thing.


I had several packs in the freezer ,(fresher) like I would ever let a pack sit long enough to get old! HA! I just quit and forgot about them. About a week later my house mate  said "I smoked those extra cigarettes you had in the freezer ,,hope you don't mind." I said to him,,"Well praise God I have no use for them!"


I decided I would quit a couple days before I did because a girl at my work said she wanted to quit as well. At the time I was buying my last pack, I told my friend at the convienient store that it was my last pack, even though I wasn't really sure if I believed myself. My quit day was New Year's Day, so on New Year's Eve I went to a party where I allowed myself to smoke as freely as I wanted to. In the morning, I woke up without my voice and only one cigarette left. I had no desire to smoke it, so I gave it to my smoker friend who notoriously bums cigarettes from everyone. And that was 19 days ago, and I am still running with it. 


AT 11Pm the night before my quit ... got sick of smoking.... cut up rest of pack and went to bed.


Smoked last cigarette in my pack around 5pmish...21 days ago...

I've had many quits and can relate 100% to what you're saying...

Most of my quits that lasted any length of time, were like that...smoked entire pack, quit at a weird


I had set a date and planned it out - last pack for the last day. I loved James' answer, I used to do that fresher in the freezer thing too! 


I had 2 packs and a partial pack left -never bought them by the carton. Come to think of it I may have 2 packs of over a year old cigs around here somewhere...


I have had several quits one  that lasted 8 monthsthat quit I threw what I had left out.. I have 19 days this quit and I quit when I ran out that day.


I made a plan to quit for New Year's! 4 Years ago! At midnight I took my last cigarette out on the Lanai, and smoked it very slowly! I came back inside and noted the time 12:07 AM. I had about two thirds of a pack left. I took them to the sink and dumped them out on a paper towel! I covered them with a few squirts of Dawn and wet them! Then I wadded them up in a paper towel, breaking them, and threw them in the trash! Then, I tied up the trash bag, and took it out to the garbage can! 1479 Days later I am breathing Free!


smoked the last one at 11pm and went into surgery at 5AM the next morning. Was in there a bit over 6 1/2  hours with my heart stopped most of that time. Haven't touched another sickorette since.



On a whim, I gave a pack and half to my sister with the lighter and decided to see how long I could go without smoking.....3 1/2 years ago. 🙂


I made 10 sickerettes last 6 days even after being diagnosed with COPD because I didn't want to "waste" them! CRAZY THINKING!


I've done it all! Broken them, wet them, thrown them away, smoked them all up...I've quit dozens of times!

This time? I planned to smoke my last one at the airport. It really did just happen that the last one I had WAS the last one I had. I didn't plan it that way. I would have just thrown the rest out if I'd gotten to the airport with more than a couple. I finished, tossed the empty pack, placed the lighter on top of the trash can, and never looked back. Well, actually, I'm quite sure I "looked back" in the beginning, but not any more! 😃


I set a quit date for trash day. The night before, I took ALL ashtrays, lighters and the unopened carton plus the open pack that I was smoking and my DH and I made a ceremony of disposal. At 5:00 the next morning, they were crushed in the garbage truck never to look back. 


I had a quit date planned ahead of time.  A few days before, I guessed at the number of cigarettes I would smoke between then and the quit date, and I sort of rationed them out.  Just before midnight on the designated day, I took my last cigarette outside, picked a spot I never used as a smoking spot before, sat down and smoked it slowly and thoughtfully, saying to myself, "this is the last one", and deliberately noticed that it did NOT make me feel good.  Did NOT make me a better person.  Did NOTHING for me except damage my body and shame my soul.

That was in May of 2012 and that WAS my last cigarette.


I set my quit date and smoked last cigarette at midnight. My husband smoked too, so he finished off the bag of tobacco for me instead. There was always cigarettes in my house and smoke all around me but I wasn't really tempted by it. I was bound and determined to let this be my final quit. I knew i was educated enough from the site and knew everyone was here to help me. I am still on my journey but always looking forward!


smoked my last cigarette at 10 pm on September 10th.  Had 5 cigs left in my pack and shredded them up and threw them away along with the one ash tray I had left. 


SOOOTIEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t believe I will be having dinner with you in 19 days!

I had quit a bazillion times and had done just about everything I read above except actually quit...

This time I found the EX site on Nov 1st...set a quit date for the 5th (my birthday is the 10th and I wanted to be 5 days in so I could enjoy the day!)

I drank way too much beer on the evening of the 4th, smoked up a storm to the last one while reading Alan Carr book furiously...

Had the next 2 days off work, a terrific hangover and NO desire to smoke until day three…I never could smoke with a hangover so I made it last 2 days!!!!

After that jumping jacks,  screaming and beating pillows and crying a lot got me through…OH and blogging every day and camping out on EX &…xo

Acerca del autor
I quit smoking in 2009 after years and years of addiction. I just became sick and tired of the whole smoking thing. This site was a lifesaver with the support I as you can see, I hung around to help others. I became friends with many people....some are here now and some are gone. Welcome to anyone who is new....this is EX....we are all here for each other.