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Share your quitting journey

What To Expect In The First Four Months

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You can choose to be anxious and fearful

to quit smoking but, it is not required.


     Sure, you will have some rough days in first two to three weeks experiencing the physical withdrawal symptoms and beginning to unlearn the habit part of smoking. We all did.

      You will feel "out of it" like something is missing or not right.

      The memories of smoking are strong because they are connected to every emotion and life experience.

       Quitting is a process. After being on this and another site for over 10 years an average of 10 hours a day listening and watching and helping,  I see it as a definable process.

     You can begin to understand what is happening by living smoke free but, you must continue making the choice to not smoke for a period of time in order to unlearn the psychological connections and be successful.  As you live daily without smoking the unlearning process continues as you build new memories that don't include smoking.

     This is the secret of success. You must unlearn the hand to mouth and inhale motions that are connected to the memories and emotions experienced as a smoker.

     Enjoy the process, don't bemoan it. This is the only way to be free and not desire to be a smoker ever again.

     After about 130 days you will not be thinking of you as a smoker or of smoking as often.  Be willing to give yourself that amount of time without giving up on yourselves.

Accept your new path as a non smoker. The only way out is through.

Here Is The Timeline Of What You Can Expect

1st week toughest. (It feels so awkward to make the change initially)

2nd week is better (some are through the worst portion after 2 weeks)

3rd week is mo' better (most are through the worst withdrawal symptoms by the end of the third week)

4th week even better.

      By the beginning of the 5th week, you think you got it licked. BUT

The next three months are the test because you will get urges out of nowhere They can be strong they can last an hour or longer and be spread over 2-3 days, but these are usually far between.

Get up! Get busy. Use the tools that got you this far.

     They typically aren't stronger than anything you've already experienced. It's because they are so unexpected and can catch you off guard that makes them dangerous.

      You've smoked for a long time.

      Promise yourself 130 days from your last puff without giving in and you will rarely think of smoking.

and....laugh when you crave (chuckle in church)

(Please read the no mans land blog that follows which describes the feelings you might  experience at one point or another in those 3+ months after the first month quit)

and also, about the two sets of seasons building your new non smoking memories below.

Etiquetas (2)
177 Comentarios

Glad I found the 1st 4 month time line. I am just finishing my 1st 48, and wanted to know what is coming so Thanks to all on the EX site.


Thanks for the update , i really needed to read this today on my 52 th day smoke free 

I am feeling like something is missing within me , dreamed about smokeing two days ago and felt really bad about it in my dream and today and yesterday i am missing the bad habit again , but i dont want it at all ...staying focus and smoke free to day tommorow will be easier ......


I'm on day 35!!!  So, I've got another 95 days!!  Loved your blog!!


OK now I understand.  Good information!


Thank you 🙂 I'm on day 13.  I too want a timeline or as much of one as possible. 


Dale, Dale, Dale, You have helped me so much.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.  May God bless you abundantly.


Words of wisdom. Many thanks!


Thanks so much for your blogs;  It really helps me and makes me realize that I'm not the  only one that feels lost, empty, like something is missing from my life.

It puts it all in perspective.....I just hope that I can remember and quote this to myself...forever.

I really enjoy your blogs.  Thanks again


Thank you for posting the link to this blog in response to my introduction blog yesterday. It gives me a better prespective of some of the reasons that I failed in my previous attempts to quitting. I will keep this in mind and continue to refer back to this during my roughest moments of quitting just to remind myself that I can make it through the first 130 days.


Thank you Dale.


Thank you Dale. This is encouraging.


excellent advice..thank you...

Well gosh, I am 29 minutes as a non smoker 🙂 and I appreciate your advice already! Thank you for caring about complete strangers 🙂 ~Kat

I've reread this 3 times.  I will be reading it again.  Thanks for all that you do.


Thank you for itroducing yourself to me, I believe you to be a very wise person,

I will visit your posts often for courage to continue my journey.



Thank you for this info, I', just 75 hours smoke free .I'm feeling good. Chantix is my friend at 1/2 dose due to nausea,but it is working AMEN!!! between this great site and people like you who are willing to share such wonderful information ,I'm feeling qiute positive.


Thank you, Dale.  Very helpful.  


Thank you for this. It was much needed and a must read!


Wow I am amazed how much I don't know ! It's obvious I didn't get the right support in the past times I tried to kick the habbit. Thank You very much for this information.I will use all of it,again and again. i get anxious and excited for my day to come!!!!! Never before have I looked forward to doing this.Thankx again....


Thank you so much for this information and reminders.  1st day will turn into 130 before I know it because I will allow for it and look for supportive people like you and others here!!! Have a great day!!!


Thank you so much for this information and reminders.  1st day will turn into 130 before I know it because I will allow for it and look for supportive people like you and others here!!! Have a great day!!!


I have been a nonsmoker for 6 days now and have read this every day!!! Thanks so much for the time you've spent on this site helping others!!!! You asked me on my on my blog if I tell the (voices) that I am a nonsmoker and yes I do.


I have never seen sooo many answers to one BLOG!! Congrats, it was a "STAR" TOPIC. YOU just gave me an outline of what to do for at least the first year. Thanks, Dale.


Thank you Dale I just figured out how to get here I am a slow learner I have only been on the computer for a few years now and  so much I still don't know ! Wonderful blog, very helpful ! I am sure to come back to it again and again !


Thanks for the informative blog Dale!

I know I will be coming back to it in the weeks ahead for inspiration and information. 


the best! colud not do it without this 


Thanks for the tips.


Thank you for that, i really appreciate all the help, every little bit helps.


On the first day of my quit & this blog has helped so much.I'm shooting for the 130 days & beyond.Thank you so much for writing this & obviously you help so many people 😄


Thank you, I enjoyed this and gave me an understanding what is ahead of me.

I am taking this one day at a time and proud of everyday I don't pick up a cigarette.


Thank you for still having this available, yes I have just got going and will take your 130 day challenge! Can't wait to call out to you on that great day!!


Thank you☺

Thank you Dale, I'm just starting fresh.  This is very good to read.  I now know what to expect.


Thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful generosity. I've been cutting back and not so successfully, and I'm looking forward (though a little nervously) to my quit date in August. Bless you for your thoughtfulness and for caring about others.

Thank you for sharing all your knowledge with us glad I clicked on your beautiful cat...thank you my friend.....kathy

Thank you Dale. Your blogs are my everyday go to !! 


Thanks, I think knowing what to expect is a part of the battle !  Im saving this... thanks !


As a new member, I'm very grateful for your resources along with Allen Carr's EasyWay in preparing for my quit date 5/10. I'm pretty anxious about it but I believe with people like you, I feel that it is possible to let go of nicotine with the support this community provides. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome!  Be sure to set your quit date.

EX Community Manager

Ryusong13 wrote:

As a new member, I'm very grateful for your resources along with Allen Carr's EasyWay in preparing for my quit date 5/10. I'm pretty anxious about it but I believe with people like you, I feel that it is possible to let go of nicotine with the support this community provides. 


Ryusong13‌  Greetings and Welcome.  We were ALL anxious leading up to our quits.  You'll find, however, that the more you read on here and the better prepared you are, the less scary it all seems.  Think of it a challenging skill to be learned and not a mountain to be climbed and the journey will be easier.  Cheers and have heart!


Great perspective! I will make sure to do so


Thank you so much for this even though I'm feeling crappy on day 4 it made me smile after reading this so looking forward to completing this journey      


Thank you very helpful!  I'm on day 6!  


Just finished day 2 of not one puff.  The first day was easier than the second.  I know I can do this.  I want to do this.  I'm sad that I ever started and angry that cigarettes have such a strong control over me.  I'm going to beat this, I have faith.


This blog helped me to relax and be aware of what will be going on once I start my quit day.  Typing is helping to keep my mind and hands busy.  When I get an urge I reach for a piece of gum, sugar free candy or water.  The reading helping me to relax.  



I printed this out and its on my desk for read every day just a wonderful reminder


Hi Tracyb2

Last time I quit was nine months and a few days.  Up today, I cant remember why I started smoking again.  I am now in week 2 and the cravings are constntly there, but I am going to be stronger this time.  My poor lungs were complining so much and I never listened.  This time I listen!


This helped me alot Dale Thanks I truly admire you for being so strong willed minded. 


I just quit yesterday and this site has really helped sustain me. I need advice on how to manage idle time.



I don't know your situation. are you housebound. do you have bad winters? Have you ever had any hobbies you enjoyed?

Acerca del autor
Hello, My name is Dale. I was quit 18 months before joining this site and had participated on another site during that time. I learned a lot there and brought it with me. I joined this site the first week of August 2008. I didn't pressure myself to quit. HOW I QUIT I didn't count, I didn't deny myself to get started. When I considered quitting (at a friends request to influence his brother to quit), I simply told myself to wait a little longer. No denial, nothing painful. After 4 weeks I was down to 5 cigarettes from a pack a day. The strength came from proving to myself, I didn't need to smoke because I normally would have smoked. Simple yes? I bought the patch. I forgot to put one on on the 4th day. I needed it the next day but the following week I forgot two days in a row I put one in my wallet with a promise to myself that I would slap it on and wait an hour rather than smoke. It rode in my wallet my first year.There's nothing keeping any of you from doing this. It doesn't cost a dime. This is about unlearning something you've done for a long time. The nicotine isn't the hard part. Disconnecting from the psychological pull, the memories and connected emotions is. :-) Time is the healer.