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What Next

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Today is day 23. I am proud of myself. However, on my way upstairs to my home office (that doubles as my bedroom) I wondered, what next. The last time I quit for a significant  time, I went back to school for another degree. I needed to fill the void. I have no interest in school anymore.

I have to say, I miss having a drink and smoke with my husband and just chilling and listening to music. 
I had to think long and hard about what else I like to do.

we both love scrabble so I think I will invest in a really good scrabble board.

My other passions are traveling and fishing but being in Florida now, both are off the table.

I was able to hang out with my husband outside this week, in the mornings, without having the cravings watching him smoke. It really didn’t bother me at all. Progress for sure.

I am devastated that I can’t make my annual December pilgrimage to Jamaica, to spend time with my siblings and friends.

Maybe that’s for the best, though my siblings don’t smoke, ALL my friends in Jamaica do.

Thanks again to the X-Gang for all your support


Congrats on 23 days of success.  Aren't you able to fish?   I would think you could social distance being outside.


They have closed off the piers where we usually fish.


Might you ask hubby to hold off smoking while you join him for a bit in the mornings?  You might wait for him to get his fix before joining him.  If it is so close and if you are experiencing a stressful time, it might not be a good idea to be with him while he is smoking.

Might you try a NEW hobby - would you like to knit or crochet, or do wood burning, or carve wood, or blow bubbles, or learn to print 3D objects?  You could start a new exercise routine, or find yoga practices on the 'net, or buy a pair of bikes to ride?  You will have extra money to invest in something while you aren't spending $$$ on nicotine!  There are LOTS of things to investigate on YouTube.

Not drinking is an EXcellent idea.  Glad that you understand its dangers.

Congrats on DAY 23!!!


Maybe go on line and google new hobbies. Perhaps you will find one, something new you never even imagined, to work on. Plus YOUTUBE has several videos to teach just about anything, even a foreign language

Congrats on 23 days! Thats HUGE!!!!!



Thank you! Great ideas. I have started an exercise regimen and it’s really helping. I feel so much better for it.  


Thank you Mandolinrain!!! I will check it out.


OK.  I get it.  In my neck of the woods, fishing would be at a lake.


bitmoji-20200715064113.png 23 days nicotine free - WAY TO GO


Thank you for that big congratulations Indingrl!!!


First, congrats on being here, you made the right choice for your health, your finances, your family, your future!

And to piggy back on Missy's idea (Mandolinrain‌), here is a free software you can use to learn new language or practice one you already know: Duolingo .  You are right when you say you have to learn other things, and new things, exciting things will help shift your attention away from smoking!


Merci Daniela, I do have Duolingo on my phone.. I think I will brush off the cobwebs and start practicing my French again.


Avec plaisir, I have been doing the same since the quarantine...first I tried Italian, secretly hoping my speaking Romanian and French will help substantially.  But you know what?  It is pretty hard when the feminin and masculin are 2 totally different words.  At least in French it sometimes suffice to add the "e" at he end, and you are good. Ex: gamin, gamine, just the pronunciation differs.  But since French is not my first language and now I live and work in US, French is getting practicing it in Duolingo I am flying through lessons


Nice Daniela ... keep at it, you’ll be fluent soon. If you can quit smoking you can do almost anything!


Awe you are so welcome - calligraphy HELPED ME yesterday NOT to suck on NICOTINE DEATH STICKS - just SHARING - I am dealing with acceptance of MY ma dying and being responsible for MY attitude and emotions


Sorry to hear about your Ma.
I asked my mom many years ago before she died, how she got over her mom’s death. She told me, she never did, but you learn to cope and just be grateful for the time you had. That’s what I do. I have a picture on my desk of her with smiling with one of my kids in her arms. It makes me smile and not sad at all. 
It gets easier with time, less tears and more smiles... I promise.

I have you in my thoughts big hugs