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Share your quitting journey

What I figured...........

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I had not blogged because I figured the way I was working my way through this would not be good enough for those of you that had already succeeded.

So I won't set myself up for judgement again.

I will do this in whatever way works for me, I am sorry I am able to do a cold turkey like some.

11 Comentarios

A lot of us don't do it cold turkey, but use NRTs.

I'm not sure why you think your way wouldn't be "good enough" for others because that's not how it goes here.  I haven't read your other blogs or your page, but I'm guessing that you might be using the e-cig?  That's the only thing people on here usually have issues with ... for sooo many reasons.  Its not an NRT, and never has been.... it is highly addictive and absurdly dangerous.....  

but no one is judging YOU.  Its just so hard not to speak up when we see someone doing something that is bad for them..... something we've seen fail over and over.... so we speak up and say why we don't agree with it, hoping to help you change your mind and, if not, hoping that other new people will look into the articles that those like Thomas have gathered on the e-cig subject....   

 E-cig or not....Obviously you want some kind of attention/feedback about this or you wouldn't have blogged this, so.... . I'm sorry that you felt "judged"  by those trying to help you.  Try to remember that this nicotine addiction is soooo hated by us that we sometimes "speak" more passionately than we should when we see something harmful going on.  Take what you need and leave the rest.



No attention wanted or needed.

Sorry if I came off that way.


I just read your last blog and it is obvious that you have been putting alot of effort in cutting back toward a goal of quitting. The one thing that you are missing is the reading and education about nicotine addiction. TRUST US - THIS WILL MAKE A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE! If you read this book, Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking, you will see exactly what I meaan. This book doesn't give you the standard reasons why you should quit - YAWN - we all know all of that already and if it would help us quit, we would have.  Try that and along with

No lecturing I PROMISE!!! Just things that will make you think "Oh Wow OK I never thought about that before"  You CAN do this!!  Here is a link to the free online version to the book I mentioned:


i hope it works for you and you are able to get off of it someday.

there are reasons we aren't too fond of the ecig.

1. the dose you are getting is probably not consistent.

2. you aren't unlearning the motions of smoking

3. people on here who have used it have had problems getting off of it and one couple got pneumonia using it.

4. we already know how to smoke. there is nothing we can teach you about unlearning smoking if you are using the ecig because you aren't unlearning anything my using it.

if you want make using the ecig a lifestyle there are tons of vaping communities who will encourage you to use it the rest of your life.

please keep us in the loop.


not judgement just an explanation of why we don't encourage it's use.



beautiful family


I try and not judge anyone all I can offer is my experience... I agree everyone quits in their own way and the joruney is different in some ways for each of us. I am on day 16 of this quit. I have tried many times and my longest quit was for 8 months.

I tried in December and stayed quit for 13 days I blew my 14th after that one cig... I continued on.I know that for me personally my last failed quit was  in part due to my e-cig and my cancer doctor is the one who told me to vape.

I wish you much success in your quit no matter what method/methods you choose. 


i do use Chantix , but i also NRT even the e-cig. not for long because i did not like it. you can QUIT make your mind up. you don't need them , read all you can what ever gets the job DONE DO IT. TAKE ONE DAY AT A TIME.  beleave in your self.


I am always sad when I see a blog like this. ALL are welcome here!

BUT-----we do have strong opinions and we will voice them! Reading your other blogs, it seemed as if people were respectful in their all you wnat. Disagree if you want. That is what makes this a strong, interesting community.....we don't have ONE way.

Stay Strong


I'm against the e cig for permanant use I was hooked on it and in my case caused me major sinus problems wich I have a lot of things that flare them up so if it's helping you I guess it's ok but think a inhaler is a legit NRT vs a e cig