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Well i guess I really...............

0 12 18
need some help here. messed up my quit. Went out and the smoke was smelling stinking but i wanted one. Went to the store later and had to get food and bought a pack. What a big mistake that was. So very disappointed in myself.!!!!! I was doing so good to. Will be changing the quit count down and date to now!!!!!!!!!! Sh--, what a waste of week that was, blew it for one lousey smoke. It didn't even taste that good and I felt dizzy afterwards...... Sorry guys, I will be tring harder this time! Smokes are in the trash,now!
Now you know it isn't worth it. Remind yourself about that next time you think you really want one.
This Is A First?

We are our own worst critics but also our own worst enemies when we give ourselves permission to cave.

It's us not the cigarettes. We are the ones with no power, UNTIL WE TAKE IT BACK

You didn't waste a week. That was a week smoke free that I bet you learned from. I might suggest that you look at what triggered you wanting one and what you are going to do "different" this time, not harder. Sometimes it's a matter of changing our thinking or how we do things or when we do things that will help. Take a deep breath and start new.
Yep I agree with everyone here, the thing is you got through the first horrible week and now you have to do it again...just keep that in mind, stay strong, there will always be temptations lurking but you can get past them....I'm just very glad you didn't say to hell with it and just keep can do this
Learn everything you can Sweetie about this addiction! There is no such thing as wasted time! Learn from that week. Learn what worked for you that made you go for a whole week without smoking and learn about what made you decide it was OK to smoke again. It's all about the knowledge and what we give ourselves permission to do. Don't give yourself permission to start smoking again, not even one. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS JUST ONE!!!!
Your back on track now. I do suggest soaking down that pack thats in the trash, that way there will be no temptation near by! Also, remember this, should you feel like you have to smoke, please, please, please, come here first and give your support group the opportunity to help you get through the urge! OK?
You can do this!!!!!
Good luck butterfly, on your new quit day. You know what's coming, So make sure you prepare yourself. When the urges come kick their bootie !!!! You will be fine! *********** sending you S-T-R-E-N-G-T-H !!!!!**********
Thank you all for your help, advice on this and my weak moment. i will remember to ge here first or stick a sucker in my mouth. Should carry them around with me! Thanks ,hugs
Hello, as everyone above says, when you get the urge, just come to the web site, it is amazing how empowering all the people here are. it also occupies the mind and the hands. Also, just do not allow your self to by the smokes. Hard to smoke them if you do not have them. It definatley was not a waste. Just remember you can do it, we all can do it. Just minute by minue, hour by hour and day by day. Good luck!!!!

Alas, you just learned the most fundamental lesson of quitting: NOT ONE PUFF.

I know that a lot of lurkers and newbies think we are just doddering old fools carrying on about "never take another puff" and all that. But, there are two very simple truths about quitting:

1) You are guaranteed to become and stay and ex-smoker if you never take another puff.

2) You are guaranteed to fail in your quit if you take a puff.

I'm sorry that you learned the lesson the hard way. This website is littered with people who learned it the hard way and even more who have tried the hard way and still haven't learned it. Take your newly learned knowledge and put it go good use. The first rule is every bit as true as the second rule!
Well.....not much I can add to all the EXCELLENT advice and support you have gotten here !!!!
Slipping.Relapsing = LESSONS !!!! Life is full of lessons. NOT mistakes; LESSONS ! Learn from what you do, and DON'T do it again !!!
Boost your strengths....don't wallow in your weaknesses !!! You CAN do this - - and WE CAN help you - - if you let us !!!!!
I'm so glad that you came back and you're quitting again. This time there is no turning back. Don't let people, places, or things get in your way. You deserve the happiness that comes with the benefits of being a non-smoker! You can no longer enjoy smoking anyway. Now you know better. You can't scrape this off your shoe.
Butterfly, your not alone, I also "fell off the wagon" so to speak. I was doing good for 3 months and then I just had a bad craven and that is all it took. I have been smoking again for 3 months and I want to quit again because I did feel better but it is not easy. I am going to try again, maybe we should be quit buddies??