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Well here is another 1st experience

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Well I have been quit almost 6 months I have experienced a lot of 1st as an ex-smoker.  I look back on all the first experiences and must have survived them as I am 178 days into this quit without one puff period.  So here is to another first to tackle as I have to deal with the loss of a loved one without a cigarette in hand.  I lost a favorite Uncle early Saturday morning and showing is Monday and Tuesday is the funeral. I was very close to my Uncle and Aunt.  Both my mom and dad have passed away 11 years and 15 years ago.  As my mom was the last of my parents to pass (my family and their warped sense of humor) my older sister said to me in the flower shop picking out casket flowers for my mom she says: 'Oh my gosh mom is gone now we are orphans we have no parents now”  lol so my Aunt and Uncle verbally adopted us as their kids lol so I have always called them Aunt momma and Uncle daddy.  (Okay I know weird but love my family lol)  Well I guess there is 2 first experiences wrapped up in one as this will be my first long trip as we have to travel to Bowling Green Kentucky for the funeral.  Although, I don't suspect any problems with the traveling as I don't associate driving with smoking anymore but I will be prepared with mints and gum and of course my handy dandy water bottle with me just in case. So my prayer is that my shingle butt deals with all this traveling. Yes I am still struggling with the darn shingles.  As with all other 1st experiences this one shall pass too and will come home with another successful victory won. 


So sorry for your loss.  Wishing you safe travels.


Sharon, I am sorry for the loss of your Uncle.

Yes, the trip will be hard on your shingle butt. But,you have been through many more firsts in your 6 months than some and less than others'. You value your quit, so I am not worried, it sounds like you are prepared. You'll have your phone and laptop so holler if you need us!

Travel safe! HUGS!

Don't Quit on your Quit!


I too have no fears that you'll relapse.  My pings were bad enough, I don't think you'd wanna see my hammer.  lol  You've come too far, and are all so wise.  Awareness of triggers (and a desire to remain smoke free) is what prevents relapse.  Unless there's alcohol involved.  Then there is no prevention.  'Cause when the brain isn't functioning properly anything goes. 

I feel for you.  Totally don't think "uncle daddy" is weird at all.  Shows the love that you had for both your father and his brother who took you on as his.  And I'm sorry for your loss.  And for the continued roofing experience.  The emotions swirling around this funeral I'm sure will not exactly help that. 

But I know you'll be fine.  Because you're a survivor.  And you're tough.  Whiny but tough!  lol  Actually there was no whining here at all.  And newbies need take note of it.  End of statement was:  "will come home with another successful victory won."  That's why this lady has 176 days smoke free.  That's the mindset of a Champion!  ♥

So sorry for your loss Sharon. I'm sure your smokefree you will travel great and with victory no worries there. Now for the shingle butt, that's where I'll be praying. I pray they be calm at least for now =(

Sorry to hear about your uncle Sharon.  Safe travels.  You're strong and won't even think about smoking.  Reach out when you need us. 🙂

sorry for your loss...sending a prayer and hug:)
I am sorry for your loss. (((Hugs))) and might I say, I am very proud of you! 179 days today!!! And yes, Giulia, she has the attitude of a champion!!!

So sorry for your loss.        

Keep us in your pocket while you are gone and if it gets tough pull one of us out and we'll be there for you.

2 years ago I lost my older sister and best friend.       Everyone around me was worried I would relapse.     But I didn't....I would think that it wasn't an honor to smoke ...... my sister would not have wanted that anymore than I did.

You will do fine.


I am looking forward to your victory story, Sharon. I am sorry for your loss. And I will be wishing your shingles butt well all the time you are gone. Thanks for the great post. Funny and insightful and truth telling. 


I'm so sorry for your loss Sharon.  It's good to hear that you are remaining strong.  176 days is incredible.

Hope your shingles don't act up on the way.



I'm sorry for your loss.

I don't look forward to losing someone I loved. I feel it's one less connection to this life.

It's a little scary but I imagine everyone feels this in their own way, especially as we get older and further down the road from our beginning.

There is no comfort in loss.

Why don't you find, create, or imagine a reminder of their love you feel


My sincerest condolence to you Sharon ! (((((much love and hugs too))))) you don't sound weird whatsoever with calling your Aunt and Uncle momma and Daddy , I think it's precious and you are one strong lady , friend and fellow Exer . 🙂 I pray for safe travels and healing of the shingles , thinking good thoughts for you sweet friend . ♡ I also agree with Giulia because you most certainly have the mindset of a Champion and I congratulate you on your awesome 178 precious smoke free days and counting . ♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡


A death is never easy Sharon. My condolences. I know you'll be strong.

Keep on keepin on,


My deep sympathy on your loss. 

Remember - there is never a good reason to smoke; there are but excuses  Great idea to remain prepared!



You have such an amazing attitude, Sharon. Losing loved ones is so stressful and travel with a health challenge can be daunting, but you are a glass half full person I think. You are a great example to us!


Oh Sharon, I'm so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you my friend.


Sorry for the loss of your Uncle. Hugs and love to you. My prayers are with you.


Hi Girl Friend

I am so sorry for your loss .  No one ever dies - they live in your head and heart. That is to be cherished ALWAYS.

My thoughts are with you.




Oh Sharon, so sorry for your loss!!!

((((((((((((Big Hugs)))))))))))) to you and Family!!

Have a safe trip!!



Condolences on your loss, I wish you safe travels.  You are so strong in your Quit, I admire you so much for being upbeat and positive, thank you for letting us know and see your strength and try to be supportive to others as well. 


Sharon, I am so sorry for your loss.  My sister referred to us as orphans after my mother died, we were all adults and I was sort of stunned.  Losing a loved one is so hard BUT smoking won't bring that loved one back and won't really help with the pain, smoking will just prolong the grief because we have to feel sooner or later.

Sending love and prayers, friend.  So sorry about those miserable shingles.  Please try to rest when you can, stress is hard on any autoimmune disease.  My heart is with you, Sharon.


I am sorry to hear about your uncle. I hope you have a safe trip and if you get triggered you know where we are.

Giving you a ((((( BIG HUG)))))


Sorry for the loss of your uncle.  I do not have a doubt that you will be fine.  You got this and more.  You are a winner. Have a safe trip and try to see the silver lining wherever it may be hiding. 


Sorry for your loss Sharon. I'm glad you were blessed with the love.

About the Author
Hi! My name is Sharon and I am married, a mom to 5 kids and also have 2 fur babies that are both shelties and considered my kids. I have smoked for about 30 years. I came here to learn how to quit and stay quit. I need to quit to impove my health and was tired of nicotine controlling me and Doctors and family nagging me. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. Now that I have joined in the EX family I now have been free of nicotine since May 13th 2016.