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Welcome to no mans land

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Well here i am 1 month, 30 days smoke free, I am now at my previous record of quitting I achieved this about 3 years ago but today I know i'm going to be quit forever. I woke up coughing this morning lungs are getting better I am now able to run after my daughter without wheezing like a steam train. I do notice at gym how unfit I have gotten but its getting better and better I am now able to row 500m in 2 min who would of thought this 2 years ago. 

The biggest thing about quitting that scared me was the self doubt the question of "ok so when I quit what am I going to do?" simple answer to that dumb question in my head was start living again, start enjoying being able to breath  easier, see the delight in my daughters eyes when dad chases her round the garden. My friends said to me last  they are proud of me and that they want to desperately quit, my collegue at work said I am a better man than him to be able to quit. Its amazing how strong a hold cigarettes have on people and you dont realise this until you quit and get back to a healthy lifestyle. 

As I have read I must now be careful of those sneak craving attacks out of the blue, especially on the weekends or relaxing with friends. But here we go I proudly step into NML. Watch this quit cigarettes you no longer have power over me and no longer will you control me. 


Welcome to NML!  So far my journey as been filled with many temptations and sneak attacks from my addiction, but I entered NML well armed and with plenty of back up from my EX friends.  Embrace the challenge that is NML, but enjoy the benefits of taking back your life. 


Darren 103 DOF NML TDC


Congrats on 30 days and for entering NML!  Treat it like any other day and you will be just fine.  You're a happy quitter and that will carry you through!



A great article is posted every wednesday, here's one of those such links /blogs/SarahP-blog/2016/09/07/no-mans-land-weekly-blog-celebrate-nml  Just use the magnifying glass and type in either No mans land or NML and all sorts of results will pop up.  You'll do great.  You got this down pat, sir


Hello, Welcome to NML! I am jus up ahead taking it slow on Ament (the hidden) my camel. I am shining my light for you! Can you see it! Like RachelMB‌ said to treat it like any other day, but please do keep an eye out for sneak attacks. I am glad you are here!   ~Terrie~  56 days


I quit on New Years Eve. I now have 31 days smoke free, one month and on to February I go.  I guess we are doing this together. Welcome to NML brother.


Hey, there, bipin quit buddy you have one day apart quit buddy now too. I m shining my light can you see it? Indeed we are in this together! agthornton007 The more the merrier and susan_m is just up ahead!  ~Terrie~


Congratulations and welcome to NML!  It gets easier, but when cravings hit, they hit hard.... with your fantastic 30 days quit, though, you've learned how to ignore them.  Keep doing what you have been doing and you'll be fine! 


Thanks Terrie.

This little light of yours ... I'm gonna watch it shine.


You can do this, put your quit first, no matter what.  It is your priority and no one can protect it if you choose not to.  Congratulations!


I see your lantern

Sent from my Sony Xperia™ smartphone


Terrie_Quit wrote -

BecomeAnEX <>

Welcome to no mans land

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No mans land - not that bad at all - just realize that it is normal to still have some craves.  You got this!


Congratulations on your awesome entrance into NML, you are going to do just fine, remain vigilant while going about your daily routine....


So proud you made it this far and well on you way in your forever quit journey! Well done!!


Very nice progress so far, and beautiful attitude!  Just keep your eyes on the prize (all these beautiful reasons you found yourself for being an EX), and you will fly through NML!

When you will be looking back, you'll ask yourself "why oh, why did I wait so long, this has not been by far as difficult as I thought it will be".  What will help you see it this way is your positive attitude about the quit.  When you feel the crave approaching (and that will happen at times), do what we call here "ride the crave" : acknowledge it, take several deep breaths, and let it be, let it out every time you exhale, till it's gone.

Stack those days and be happier with every one as an EX!!!

About the Author
i am a musician and biker at heart. I have a gorgeous little daughter who I treasure with all my heart, she is one of the main reasons for me stopping smoking. i want to walk her down the isle one day. My wife is a smoker which is a challenge but she supports my quit. I had a really big scare on the 2nd Jan 2017 where I stopped breathing everytime I fell asleep and had bad chest pains throughout the night, this was the time to say enough. I am getting healthy again and i am back at gym and enjoying the benefits daily of stopping smoking. Onwards and upwards.