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Now that I'm on day 43 with no cigarette's I've noticed how hard it is to button my pants  😞    Now I must start eating better too, just when I thought it was getting easier  lol


I feel your pain I got half the weight off second half is being stubborn but it will go just have to work harder and eat even better ,I think they say better to have a little extra weight than carry a oxygen bottle 


Yeah the weight gain thing totally sucks. I gained about 30 pounds! And it seems no matter what it will not come off! But I have enjoyed the challenge of eating healthier. I've learned so much about our modern food system in the process that I only eat whole organic foods and I refuse to eat meat or dairy that's been factory farmed. I haven't lost too much weight, but I've definitely noticed a change in how I feel and how much energy I have. I hope that doesn't sound preachy. I really don't mean it to be. I guess eating this way has given me something challenging to focus on which helps day to day in my quit. However, if I ever win the lottery, I'm SO getting a tummy tuck!


I know what you mean! Try to eat healthy but remember that your quit is the most important part, if you gain a couple pounds you can lose it later. Stay strong on your quit! You are doing great!


I have just hit a year and gained 15 lbs in the process.  Now is the time to focus on that.  Stay strong in your quit.  You'll have time to deal with the weight later. 


Give yourself a bit of time.... You can do the weight thing when you are ready - you know how? By telling yourself - "I quit smoking, I can do anything!"  Congrats on your wonderful quit!! 


oh i know what you mean this old weight gain, i will forcus on that later,   we will eat healty . congrats


Yup, I've gained weight too. I've always been only 100 lbs. But now my pants are tight and I have gained 15 lbs!!!!! But you know what? I feel healthy and proud. I will focus on eating a little less and exercising a little more. How hard can that be for someone who has quit smoking after 40+ years? 


Very true!  I can lose some weight too, I know it can't be as hard as quitting smoking  🙂