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Share your quitting journey

Weight Gain

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Day 12 with a few cravings here and there. I looked in the mirror and noticed that I have gained weight. My stomach appears to be bloated. I did not count on that with my quit. I am not over eating, Actually, I feel like I am hungry the majority of the time. Any suggestions or solutions are welcomed.
10 Comentarios
Well, Carenda, it's typical to gain a few pounds. We all have in the process of our quits, but you just have to look at it as temporary. When you get to where it's a lot easier to not smoke and you don't have to use all your will power for that purpose, then you can go on a diet and lose it. It's much more important to master the quit than gain weight. That always deterred me in the past, because I was so body conscious, but this time I made up my mind I'd rather live than be so slim. I gained about 10 lbs., but lost 8 of them recently.
Thanks Sylvia, I will think of this as a temporary situation. I guess what scares me is usually when you reach a certain age, lossing weight can be difficult. 10 lbs. is not so bad.
I don't know how much I've gained but I'm in the same situation as you. My husband commented the other night that I look pregnant. How sweet of him to notice and to share it with me! I've been making it a point to walk almost every day for a minimum of 20 minutes. Sometimes I walk over an hour. I walk both for avoiding the weight gain and to keep myself from the cravings. The walking does help because I don't associate walking with smoking.
Joy, you are right, the weight gain is right in the middle making you look pregnant.
Keep up the stop smoking,try to eat many fruits, and veggies,and drink as much ice water as you could handle,hard candies gum is always in my mouth when I am out of the house,keep busy,You have to be sure to burn more calories then your intake to lose some weight.
Ha! I gained 13 lbs. when I quit. Don't try to quit smoking and lose weight at the same time. That's silly!
In the last month I got really strict with my diet and have lost 11 of that!
Wooo Hooo!
If you just quit - Concentrate on not smoking, worry about the weight later. Any doctor will tell you that!
Hi Carinda!! Weight gain is probably gonna happen....we know that. But all I have tried to do is keep it to something manageable. I don't care about a few pounds, but if it got more than that I would worry. I have done ALOT of walking and it has helped more than I even thought it would. In fact, after 16 weeks I have gained less than 5 pounds. And trust me when I say I have been eating very well! haha! I also had bloating and digestive problems for awhile and it didn't have anything to do with how much I was eating. My digestive system was just plain out of wack for about the first 9 weeks. It finally settled down after I thought it never would. Consider your issue just another "symptom" of healing, ...embrace it as such, and be easy on yourself! You are beautiful and a couple of pounds one way or the other is not going to change that.
Well, it seems like this weight around my middle is part of this journey. I am going to stop worrying about it and concentrate on my quit. I will attempt to do a little more exercising.
I was laughing before, Carenda, but I do think the quit is the most important thing for now. But I do sympathize - I feel the same way.
Wow i feel like a real cow... lol A couple months before i quit, i had lost 30lbs over many months... in just over three months i have gained 18lbs... I am now doing both quitting and losing weight, cause i will not gain the rest of that weight back!!!!!! I tend to eat more... stress eating i think!