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Weight Gain

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Yikes!  I’m up 12 lbs now.  I know, it’s better than smoking, but 12 lbs is a lot for me.  I began my quit at 128 lbs.  That’s a bit underweight for my 5’6” frame, but not by a big margin.  And I’ve gained nearly 2 inches in my waist.  I gained 6 lbs pretty quickly and went out and bought 2 pairs of “fat” pants thinking I’d lose the weight fairly quickly like in past quits.  Now those pants are tight.  


For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been wondering why this quit feels so much harder than previous ones.  And when I got on the scales this morning, and saw I’d gained twice as much weight as previous quits, I couldn’t understand that.  Then, as Jackie would say, I had an AHA moment.  In all my previous quits, I never gave up the NRT.  I’m embarrassed to say that on one quit, I went 2 years and was still popping 5-8 lozenges a day.  This time is cold turkey.


I’m not looking for sympathy or advice.  I know what I need to do, and that’s eat less.  Although I may try to stall on that until I get through No Man’s Land


My advise - focus on your quit for now - tackle the weight thing later!  You are doing great!


If you started at 5'8" and 128 pounds, I don't think a few pounds is going to make a big difference in your health.  Smoking WILL!  I would recommend you conquer the smoking first and worry about the weight later.  I don't think you are wearing anything CLOSE to "fat pants" with a few extra inches on your waist!!!  You might try increasing your exercise...not only will it help with the weight gain, but will help with a hit of dopamine which you are missing from the cigarettes.  I agree you should not use an NRT where the addict controls the dose......I don't think they are a good idea, anyway, and you proved my point on that!

You might try including some "healthy" snacking in between the calorie-rich stuff.  Things like frozen grapes or cherries are good, or sugarfree gum or mints, or apples.  I never could do carrot or celery sticks - but you should try them, too!  A few nuts can be a good substitute.  Keep cold bottles of water from which to sip at all times, too.

You are doing GREAT!  Keep at it!



I've been regular at exercising for over 40 years.  Way before there were any kind of clubs (other than YMCA).  But, I have adjusted my routine some since quitting.  Because I was worried about weight gain, I stepped up the aerobic some thinking that would burn more calories.  And I have greatly reduced the resistance training, thinking that will only add to weight gain.  Maybe that's not a good idea. I didn't even think about the dopamine.  I would probably get a lot more of that from weights than I do with aerobic exercise.


I know YOU know that muscle weighs more than fat - so don't concentrate on the scale number so much.  An increased heart rate is what produces the dopamine - so I would think aerobic might do that better (but I am no expert, I just play one here on the site!!!!)



Ah, good to know.  I just assumed strenuous activity was what released dopamine.  Don't know why I assumed that.  Although I've worked out for years, I never really studied the whys and wherefores.  Just did what seemed right for me.  Kinda like my previous quits, and we know how those ended .  


Sorry I was not clear.  Strenuous activity IS what releases dopamine.....not sure how far your heart rate goes up and stays up by lifting weights ---- as I've never done that.  My exercise of choice is swimming laps.

Glad you are here with us for THIS quit!  You can do this; we CAN help!

Stick around!



Thanks for your insights into NRT in overdrive and weight gain with cold turkey. Your run to the store for new pants sounds familiar. I couldn't believe I was busting out of pants, but the cut into my waste after forcing the zipper closed finally got to me! I reached a peak, then found my comfort zone as far as diet and eating/exercise went. There seems to be a touch of humor in what you write-- your tales of quitting are helpful! 


Please concentrate on protecting your quit and not your weight.  It WILL settle, someone told me when I first started that they would much rather pick up a few pounds that they could always lose later than to get stuck pulling around an oxygen tank for the rest of my life.  Muscles do weigh more but they take up less space.  I alternate workouts, weights one day, then aerobics..I get very short of breath so I may not be able to do as much as some people but I do get my heart rate up, it doesn't take as much exertion as a healthy person.



I'm six weeks into a diet of sorts and coming up on a week without smokes.  I've lost right at 20 pounds including a couple since my last cigarette on the 19th.  Gentle advice:  Nice breakfast, generous lunch but a skimpy dinner consumed as early as 4:00PM and snack on something healthy in the meantime.  Drink lots of water.

Diet secret:  If you consume alcohol, stop.  That one act alone will turbo charge your diet.