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Share your quitting journey

We shall see

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This still really really sucks... I have a tiny vape that claims to have zero nicotine and has vitamin b12 in the flavor mint. So far it doesn’t cut it but it’s all in my mind anyway. I just have to suck it up . I even considered dipping but that to is a whole new trouble in itself so I’m not going to do that. Anyway, hopefully this time around I succeed 


There is no "hope" in quitting smoking.  It is commitment, making the decision not to smoke another cigarette NO MATTER WHAT and honoring that decision you made every minute, then every hour, then every morning, afternoon and evening.  Shortly they will become days, then weeks, then months, and even years

There IS light at the end of this tunnel. The first two weeks are the most difficult.  After that your body will need to adjust to life without nicotine, then it's relearning your life not to include smoking (2-4 months).  During this time the misery will slowly lift and you will start to reap the benefits of freedom!   The sooner you can change up your routines and reduce the smoking associations, the easier this will be.

Maybe try to think of some of the good things that you are going to experience.  Your sense of taste and smell will reawaken, you won't cough after every good laugh, you will go up a flight of stairs without being out of breath, you have extra time in your day, and extra $$$ in your pocket. Your hair and clothing won't smell like a dirty ashtray.   You never again have to worry about the need to quit smoking.  The increase in your self confidence will amaze you and open new doors of opportunity.

Just hang in there for a bit longer!




For me it was greatly a mindset issue. If I told myself that it sucked to quit.... then it sucked. If I was able to be happy to be free inspite of the withdrawal and cravings.... I was happy. The book "The easy way to stop smoking" by Allen Carr, helped me so much. 

Remember...You can do this!



I’m currently reading his book  


We are what we project....our actions are often times mirror images of our thoughts....Therefore, we must beware of slippery thoughts....because they very well could become slippery deeds or actions....  I think, therefore...I am.....

xoxoxo Pops (a happy quitter!)


but it’s all in my mind anyway

No it isn't all your mind anyway. It's also very physical. Denial will only impede your progress. Admit you're addicted to nicotine and go from there. 


       Hold on. The dependency will be broken. Your wits will settle back in. You will come back together. One day at a time is the only time frame you need to deal with. Avoid any thoughts of ...forever. Congratulations on every success you've had so far. 

The Journey of Quitting - YouTube 

What is the Single Best Thing You Can Do to Quit Smoking? - YouTube 

Quitting Cigarettes Journal 

    Personal story: about five years ago as I walked my way through quitting, I'd see half spent cigarettes on the road--I fantasized becoming a hobo, living under a bridge and just smoking found cigarettes. Now, that was insane!!!


 If your vape pen has no nicotine in it, why not try just try smoking air as JonesCarpeDiem‌ told me during my quit. I took what he told me to heart and started "smoking" straws. I'll tell ya, I discovered that straws are WAY less addictive than a vape pen would be and since you know what you're getting when you breathe air, you don't have to worry.

 Other than that, sucking it up is a good way to stay quit at first. But don't forget to keep it in the forefront of your mind that what you're doing is an incredibly positive thing to be doing. There is no downside to quitting, only wonderful things and an incredibly brighter future. There's not a single thing wrong with quitting and finding freedom. Be proud of what you're doing!

