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Share your quitting journey

Want to be smoke free for my new job

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I start a new job with a pharmaceutical company and want to be smoke free by Feb. 1st. I smoked for 10 years but quit for 15 and now have smoked again for the past 3 years. I am hoping it wont be as difficult to quit as it was the first time 15 years ago. I know this site will help as well as the amazing support I see you give other members.

My husband and I have decided to get back in shape and joined the local gym. We try to go 3 times a week. See, we just got married on Oct. 8. and have 6 kids between us. Life is stressful and crazy but we are determined to do this for us, each other and our children.

My day to quit is January 16. I have stocked up on nicotine gum and sugar free gum. Hoping the spin classes at the gym will be a good dopamine replacement.

Wish us luck!!

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