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Walking Up Stairs

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Happy Mother’s Day to all my friends!  Today makes 41 days without a smoke for me.  What is amazing is that I can walk up and down stairs without losing my breath.  Before I quit when I walked up three flights of stairs I would be worthless for about 5 minutes until I caught my breath.  I would also have to stop in the middle before I could walk up the rest of the way.  On Friday I walked all the way up without stopping and was not out of breath!  I used to avoid walking up and down but found myself finding excuses to walk up and down the stairs.  I could not believe how great it was to do so.  I always thought that I was just getting old BUT it was not age but the damned cigarettes!  I think that I will continue to go up and down until I can run without losing my breath… maybe I’ll even lose some weight.  Yeah, life is much better.  I wonder why I ever smoked at all.  Later today I will take another bicycle ride with my husband to my daughter’s house for our mother’s day barbecue.  Life really is Good…. Life is great!  Ruta


Isn't it, though!

Happy Mother's Day!


Quit 7/4/12


Congrats on 41 days!  You are doing fantastic.  Just keep telling yourself about all the reasons why you quit smoking.  You are still at the stage where you need almost constant reminders.  It's great that you're seeing such a remarkable improvement in your health.   Have a great Mother's Day.  Protect Your Quit. Zina 4-7-11


Congratulations on beating the stairs. That is huge. I asked for your friendship knowing you are willing to fight big battles. Great that you have been smoke free for awhile. Look forward to getting to know you


Ruta what a lovely post! I am SO happy for you! It is absolutely glorious to love being alive again...xo