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Walk the Talk - Actions Speak Louder than Words

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Words carry a lot of weight in this world, from how we say them to what we say with them, but it is through our actions that we bring things into being.  This is what we mean when we say to one another that actions speak louder than words.  In many cases, what we say doesn’t necessarily line up with what we are doing, and it is here that it becomes clear that it’s easier to talk about doing something than it is to actually do something. At the same time, it’s easy to keep doing something that we don’t necessarily acknowledge ourselves doing verbally. It’s good for all of us to take a look every once and a while to make sure there is alignment between what we say and what we do.

For example, it’s easy to talk about our dream of being a non-smoker, but it takes a lot more energy to take the many small steps that lead to bringing that dream into reality. If all we ever do is talk about it, we begin to lose faith in ourselves because nothing changes on the external level. In this way, being all talk and no action is actually a form of self-sabotage. It’s also useful to examine our actions to see if, through them, we are following through on our words. For example, in expressing concern about our leading a healthier life, we can look to make sure that we are taking the simple steps we can take to put that concern into action.

It’s always helpful to observe what we talk about and who we say we are (a non-smoker/an EXer) , and then to observe what we actually do in the world. Sometimes we realize our actions haven’t caught up with what we are saying, and at other times we see that we might change our words in a way that it will more adequately reflect what we do in the world. Either way, the more we align our words and our deeds, the clearer we are in expressing our truth in the world, and the more powerful we are in bringing it into reality.

Christopher Reeve once said "I think we all have a little voice inside us that will guide us…if we shut out all the noise and clutter from our live and listen to that voice, it will tell us the right thing to do."  Listen to that voice deep down inside you that tells you the truth - that smoking steals minutes, hours, days, and years from your precious life and deprives your loved ones the pleasure of your company.  Do the right thing by making a firm commitment to stop smoking, and learn healthy ways to handling your cravings like taking a walk, listening to music, or doing some yoga.  Be honest with yourself in accepting that you are a nicotine addict.  Have gratitude for your body and respect it by doing what is best for its continued survival.

You have a choice.  Start each new day with a commitment to do what's right.  Remember that with every new sunrise comes new opportunities.  Today you have a clean slate upon which to record your life and your legacy.  Seek the courage to do the right thing.  Decide that this will be a day in which you will walk the talk, and tomorrow, and the day after that…until you are no more.