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Share your quitting journey

Waiting for the coffee to brew...

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While I have many wonderful examples to share about being a non smoker, one that always intrigues me is what I can get done waiting for the coffee to brew. The time that quitting has put in to my life these past five years is something that I treasure. I can get dishes done, mop a floor, clean a toilet, start laundry, say a prayer, or take a minute to be thankful. ALL before my coffee is brewed. I gained time in my life when I quit, and holding my quit makes me realize what I have gained in life. Not only have I added years to my life, I have the time to enjoy it. 

There was a time when I would have a cigarette while waiting for my coffee, and then another to enjoy it. I quit drinking coffee for a time to hold my quit, as it was a huge trigger. I enjoy my coffee more now, and my life is so much more of a blessing to me in every way. I treasure every simple moment. Quitting gives you so much time to do what matters in life. 

Hang on to your quit! It truly is the best thing ever. 


I can wash my face, brush my teeth, get dressed, all while my coffee is brewing. I am ready to start my day with my fresh cuppa'!  And, I find, I can get out and started with only a few sips.  It used to take a few cups (and more than a few cigarettes) before I was ready to leave the house.

What we gained by quitting is immeasurable.

Thanks for the reminder (and incentive for those just starting out!)



BEAUTIFUL blog and congratulations to you on your fabulous five years.  I am not a fast morning mover...I get up and turn on the coffee maker before my eyes are even completely opened...then I feed the cats, the feral one will be at the front window with his paws pressed against it, waiting for me.  By the time I finish feeding the cats and cleaning up any mess I made...I use my morning inhalers and rinse my mouth and gargle...THEN, I can have my coffee.  One cup is all it takes, I used to drink a pot when I smoked...WOW.  

Congratulations to you on the extra time you are enjoying in the mornings and the extra time you have added to your life.



Congratulations on 5 years.  Thanks for taking the time to share one of your experiences.  The coffee thing is always monumental when you first quit.  I waited about 11 days before I had my first cup. I learned that coffee tasted better without a cigarette.  I was missing the true taste of coffee.  Come and visit more often and tell us some of those experiences we would enjoy them. 


This blog MATTERS to this newbie. I actually took a shower while the coffee brewed the other day. It was like entering the twilight zone in the shower. Yes, I would have had my first ciggiebutt while it started perk perk perking and my second after I fed the dog, by then the coffee pot beeped it was done. The second was my reward for feeding the dog. Then it was Candy Crush time... for an hour before I had to get in the shower for work... I had a whole life designed around smoking for the first 2 hours of my life every day. I won't even get started on the rest of the day. On QUIT day 20, I am slowly recognizing these little precious bits of time that I can make meaningful because people like you, years later, help remind us of what its like... waiting for the coffee to brew. Thank you.




You got this.... and the support here is undeniable. This site was very instrumental in my quit. I never think of having a cigarette anymore and I struggled big time in the beginning. I cried, I couldn't imagine living life without a cigarette as awful as that sounds.  Those feeling alone would prevent me from ever picking up again. I smoked for years, was a constant quitter. I am so glad that is behind me. My health is so good now. 

I did gain an additional 25lbs unfortunately, but it was fine, I'd rather that. I have since lost it but with age that took a long time!

I'll be thinking of you today!!!!!


As we replace our actions with new routines, they become just that, routines.  I had to get up and feed cats every day and there was no way that I could change that without risking an attack.  I fed the indoor cats and then stepped outside and fed the outdoor/feral cat.  Before I quit, I would have sat down and petted him while I smoked my first cigarette of the day.  Once I finished, I would go back in and get my coffee and then start getting ready for work.  After I quit, once I fed the cats, I would get my coffee and head for my computer.  I would sign in to EX and read blogs and comment.  THAT became my new routine...I did have to switch it up eventually because I would get so immersed in reading blogs and commenting that I would find myself trying to get ready for work in a ridiculously short period of time.  Eventually, I would get ready before I allowed myself to get completely immersed in EX.  After dinner, I got up directly from the table did dishes and cleaned up the kitchen and the table and wrote my number of days on a big calendar on the wall...then...guess where I went?  Back to the computer and EX.  This site saved my FED it and NURSED it and made it grow.  

You are just discovering an amazing journey.
