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Today is the first day of Washington states new cigarette tax--each pack of cigarettes will go up $1.00.  So that means that a pack of smokes will now cost (depending on brand) about $9.00 !!!  For the lesser brands -about $ all I have to say is:  HOLY SHIT, I'M GLAD I QUIT!!!!!  LOL!


Look folks--seriously now--I smoked for 39 years--I quit (without being sick) 1/1/10--Yeah I've put on a few pounds--but so what?  Everyone says I needed to (I was really thin)--even my own son says I look way better now than I did before--so ya know what--If I can quit--anybody can--I did use Chantix-but I am not using it anymore because it has done it's job and I don't need get a grip and quit---smoking is for losers and sooooo 1989!!!   (i know, i know--you were told that smoking is cool--yeah-me too--but it's not-so get over it and move on)--I seriously love all you guys and wish you all the best---(I just sound like a bitch-but I'm really not-ha ha)!


I'm with you on that statement!  HS, glad I quit, too!


Holy $hit, You Must Aquit


In Canada 1 pack of popular brand was $12.68 a pack.  That really adds up.


No kidding?  $12.68 a pack?  WOW--bet lots of Canadians don't smoke-aye?


You know what is sad about the tax. An addict is going to pay the price just to get their fix. I would have when I was smoking. Im really glad that I dont have to pay to get my fix anymore.


Yeah well, I don't care--the reason for the increase-according to Christine (our Gov) is due to our "budget shortfalls"--so fine-increase all that-cigs, booze, whatever--just leave my frickin paycheck alone!  As a state employee-I am sick and tired of hearing John Q Public suggest that "state employees " should have to give up their benefits to close the budget gap.  REALLY?  We havent had a raise (including a cost of living raise in about 6 years---in the meantime-everything else has gone up--gas, utilities, basic merchandise (ya know--stuff you gotta have-toilett paper, toothpaste-esentials like that)-people getting SSI get a cost of living increase every year--we don't...ya know who does...the teachers--all they have to do is walk out of the class room and the parents go nuts---omg--give them whatever they want--I can't stay home with my kid--not even for a week--so they get their raises--a beginning teacher in this state starts out brand new making about $20,000 more than I do right now--and I've been a state employee for almost 30 yrs!  Oh--why don't we walk out?  Well, I work at the welfare--ya know-issuing benefits to poor people-people who have no food, nor a place to live-and we are not allowed to abandon our jobs like the teachers do-so I really don't give a rip about the person that has to pay the higher cigarette tax in order to continue to be a dumbass and kill themselves! 


WOW!!!  You seem very commited to your quit!  Congrats on remaining smoke free.


Actually WEA isn't as much of a problem as the Governor and her obsession with high stakes testing. NCLB requires we test ...NCLB does NOT require then that we use that test as a graduation requirement and in spite of numerous authorities on education and even the state legislature telling "Christine" that we need to back off of the graduation requirement she refuses to do the mean time the state just lost a law suit by numerous school districts that proved we are not funding basic education in this state as required by the state constitution.


To back up my claims I will only quote one article by Dr. Don Orlich of WSU, (altho I could quote numerous)  


As far as public employees...I get this husband was suppose to get a COLA this year and the union agreed to give it back due the local government inefficiency to balance their own budget while funding pet project....just like our governor.

Hope you have a good Saturday.


No we probably are not funding education like we should-but why is that?  Not because of my pay-that's for sure!  What happened to the Lottery funds that were supossed to be used for education and transportation--oh--wait--let me look at he back of my lottery ticket and I can type exactly what it says, :"Washington's Lottery proceeds benefit education, construction and other vital state endeavors"--really?  Then maybe-if there still isn't enough money for these things and our budget is soooo short-how bout you start have people account for where the dollars that are there are being spent.  Don't take it out of my pay--cuz while everyone is feeling oh so sorry for the teachers that have to deal with all the kids--the state employees that work in the welfare offices have deal with the parents of the kids-yeah-check it out sometime-it's a hoot.  And for the most part I just want to say that the majority of my co workers are caring hard working individuals that get absolutely no respect for what they do-and that is really the sad thing...........


oh I completely understand that. The system is really screwed up, I know . I'm an educational activist in this state, have been for 8 yrs I totally understand , but until we can get rid of gregoire and get someone with a little common sense instead of an agenda, its not going to get any better.

and a lot of what she gets away with is due to the ignorance of the average citizen and again, sometimes its their fault and sometimes its because they have been deliberately kept in the dark by the business round table which control much of the media in this state so that they can get away with their agendas.


I've spent 8+ years trying to educate the public about what our state is doing behind closed doors and its like beating your head against a brick wall....I do totally understand that.


and I don't even get a paycheck for doing it, LOL


There is no such thing as "a politician with common sense"  they all have an agenda--and you are right -most citizens don't know what's going on-so good luck with that.  I appreciate all your efforts by the way and did you know that as a state employee-I am not allowed to lobby for or against nor do any of the stuff you are doing?  We can partake in Union organized activities-only.....whatever-they suck too if you ask me and just another entity spending money without any accountability.  All I'm sayin is:  The state employees that get recognized are those in the medical and educational fields only--no one cares about the rest of us-so--personally--I'm GLAD cigarettes went up $1.00 a pack-not that a price increase will make people quit-but now maybe the public will stop looking at my paycheck as a way to make cuts (did you know that our Govenor already signed a bill that will mandate that all state employees have to take a day off without pay--for 10 months-yeah--she did--I may lose my house if this keeps up


I also smoked for 39 years.  The cost for a pack of cigarettes in Chicago is $9.50!!!!!!  That's insane.  I was getting mine from the internet in the end but, let's not talk about how to get them cheaper.  We are done with that crap!!!


I have heard of people ordering them over the internet but I also heard that if you live in Washington State and try that little trick-you have to pay the taxes anyway--I don't care cuz I don't smoke and yes, I am very glad I am done with that crap too.  I just found out today that a friend of mine that I have known since I was 12 yrs is dying of lung cancer.  He is only 51 yrs old-Wow!  SMOKING SUCKS!