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Vaping with no nicotine

0 11 61
  Just a question. I have been hearing a lot about people vaping as opposed to smoking. I hear that people use juices that have no nicotine just fruit flavors. I have not tried this nor have I smoked. I am just curious as to what people on here think. I have heard it gives people something to do with their hands and they feel it helps them stay quit. Any ideas??}

Folks here have pretty strong opinions on this subject.  Mine is:  why would you want to imitate smoking when you are trying to quit smoking?  Cinnamon sticks, straws cut in lengths, flavored toothpicks all cover the hand-to-mouth thing if you feel you need something.........but breaking THAT part of the addiction is also part of the journey. 

I also understand you have to REALLY suck on those things - and they have not been well tested.  Something I read suggested that metal particulates are inhaled with the vapor. 




Hi there, lately I have been seeing more and more people using them here in London.

The thing that concerns me the most is the lack of information on their safety , I mean there is some information for the interested but they haven't been around a long time to know the risk and apparently they are not risk free as ppl like to think!

The other issue is hand to mouth motion is constantly in force with these things so I assume ppl will end up with them in their hands all day instead of cigarettes which to me is simply another habit developed !


You can't unlearn the motions of smoking if you continue doing them.

Unlearning smoking will distance you from it until you get to a point the thought of smoking doesn't nag at you.

Keeping those motions just keeps you close to smoking.

Ask anyone who uses it if they've ever been able to stop using it, nicotine or not.


I don't think there are any long-term studies that show if they are safe or harmful.  I think that part of this addiction is a true physical addiction and part is an emotional addiction.  I am only on day 125, so I cannot say with 100% certainty that I have this licked.  But I can say that I do have a feeling of being free, that is such a wonderful feeling!  You cannot truly be free if you are still sucking on something and immitating smoking.  You are doing so well!  Hang in there - my advise, do not replace smoking with vaping.

Thank you all! I am not going to do it, I was just looking for feedback. I am doing really well without smoking anything. Do I get cravings? Yes. Do I chew a lot of gum and get up and take little walks? I sure do. I was just wondering what all the hype was about.

Jenn----you are being smart....because regardless of how someone feels about it (and let me say honestly with full disclosure....I'm against it)......BUT, again, no matter how anyone feels about it I think we all agree that lungs were not made to inhale smoke or vapors of fruit juice or anything but AIR!

No sense in quitting one harmful thing only to pick up another.

Good job on your quit! Stay Strong.


I concur with the above- they are not approved by the FDA as a Nicotine Replacement Therapy. They are not sure of the long term health issues, although they already know that the vapor contains some carcinogens and toxic chemicals-like one found in antifreeze.The FDA is getting involved and will in the future regulate them like tobacco products.  Here is a pretty good article

My sister in law,who is a dental asst, has seen people come in with sores in their mouth. No one knows what's in these "juices". I think the best bet is to stay away.

I'm on day 162 of my quit, and I vape.

There are no long term studies done because e-cigs haven't been around for very long. There is a lot of propaganda out there to "scare" people about e-cigs, and I agree that they are not harmless. However, it's not harmless to breath what we consider to be "fresh" air, either. Pollution abounds everywhere you go. 

I can tell you that my lungs are in much better shape than they were when I was a smoker. I can tell you I sleep at night without coughing fits, and I don't spend all morning long hacking and blowing my nose for hours. I'm exercising again, and I feel fantastic. 

I realize I'm in the minority here, but I had to comment because people need to learn how to differentiate between the truth and the propaganda. FDA approval doesn't mean much when it comes to the government hoping to recoup some of the tax money they've lost from people switching to e-cigs. It also doesn't mean much when there are hundreds of stories of medical devices and medications out there that WERE FDA approved, and have gotten recalled because people got sick or died. 

People hear the word "antifreeze" and they get freaked out. E-cig juice contains propylene glycol, which is NOT antifreeze. 

I started vaping at 24mg juice. I'm down to 6mg, and if I can't vape for a while, it's fine. I don't have cravings, I don't want to kill anyone, and I don't worry about it. 

Is vaping good for everyone? Probably not. However, for some of us who tried to quit using every other method out there, it's saving our lives. That's something worth being happy about.


vaping is for those who will never understand that what drew them to vaping is their unwillingness to change. The unwillingness to detach themselves from the psychological addiction to smoking.

they've  'tried everything" which actually means every gimmick and substitute available hoping something will quit for them. Those are not methods. They are wrong expectations.

They never tried talking themselves out of smoking. They are the ones that talk themselves back into smoking.

It's much easier  and takes no work at all to remain slaves except they have to continue to pay for the same addiction. That is their choice.