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Share your quitting journey

Update: Still smoke free!

3 11 155

Hey exes! Sorry I haven't been on in awhile. Couple months at least. I used to keep Ex open on my browser at work but morning sickness got the best of me during the first trimester and I had a hard enough time being at work much less doing anything extra. Plus, I've spent a great deal of time researching and reading about pregnancy and all the things that come along with that.

I haven't kept my Quit right at the forefront but am still going strong with almost 6 months! No puff, no drag, no nothing. I even had a smoking friend at my house Friday night and most of Saturday and I didn't care one way or the other. She took the dogs for a walk to smoke and I could smell the smoke on her when she got back and it was awful!!  I still can't believe I used to smell like that ALL the time and thought perfume and body spray covered it up!

The pregnancy is going well. I am at 16 weeks this week and go for my checkup on Thursday. The nausea from morning sickness has eased up a good bit and I'm functioning thanks to medication. I'm anxious to find out what we're having and still have another month before I'll know, hopefully. I'm experiencing some anxiety associated with all of the uncertainties of early pregnancy. I had hoped they would ease up as I entered the second trimester, but anything can happen at any time, and I am freaked that I'll go to my next appointment and be told that their is no heartbeat. I feel like it's completely irrational since there are no signs or symptoms that anything is wrong.

Anyways! I hope everyone else is doing great with their Quits.

11 Comentarios

So glad to see you here and congratulations on your quit and baby. Thank the Lord that you quit prior to getting pregnant. That would really cause anxiety. 



There is no sense worrying about what might be.  Do your best to be the best pregnant lady you can be, and leave the rest to your Higher Power. 

Hey - you quit smoking!  You can think whatever you choose to think!!  Just don't go there.  Enjoy looking forward to that new life you are creating.  Be present in that miracle!



Congratulations, congratulations congratulations.  On being pregnant smoke free and not taking a single puff.  God Bless.  The journey continues. 


Congratulations on your quit and please know that your uncertainties about the baby are completely natural.  Anyone who has ever been pregnant goes through that. You are taking care of yourself, you are not smoking, you are already being a good mother. I am so happy for you...almost SIX MONTHS is awesome.  You are doing beautifully and you have been doing beautifully even with that dreaded morning sickness!  Good for you.




So good to see you!  It sounds like your pregnancy is coming along well minus the morning sickness.    Keep us updated on how you and the baby are doing. 



Hi, Brittann! You sound great and everything sounds very normal! Your quit, your baby, and NOPE! You are amazing! Come by when you can! Support awaits you!   ~Terrie~


Congrats! Great quit.  I know what you mean about the smell of stale smoke on people. When I smoked I couldn't   tell but after I quit P U!


So glad your back! Ditto to the above comments. Your gonna be fine and that precious babe will have a non smoking Mother to snuggle with that doesn't stink! Hang in there and I will add you to my prayers for a joyous and happy healthy pregnancy:)


I was actually wondering about you, so happy to hear you are still smoke free and that you and baby are doing well!

I just passed the 6 month mark and it feels so damn good!! Congrats on all the beautiful things happening to you!


I know! I always said I wanted to quit smoking before starting a family and, although I wasn't planning to get pregnant anytime soon, it was a huge motivator for me to quit when I did. The fact I got pregnant 3 months after quitting, while on birth control, ... well guess me quitting helped with that somehow. I'm trying to not let the anxiety of the unknown get to me too much.


Hate if I made anyone worry having vanished like I did. Totally didn't intend to not come around for so long. Just got so wrapped up in everything else that I didn't log on and before I knew it a couple months had flown by! It really does feel good knowing how long I've gone without smoking! I don't keep a daily track or count of it but I'll think about it on the 17th of each month and know that that is a milestone. I'm still surprised I was able to quit and stay quit for as long as I have! Glad you're doing well too!

Acerca del autor
{10.17.2016} I am 32 years old and started smoking at 13 years old. I've attempted to quit many times over the years but it wasn't until Oct 2017 that I felt I was really ready. I did it for my boyfriend, he does not smoke and hates that I do, and the possibility of a family someday. 1.25.2017~ I am 100 days into my quit and smoke free! I also recently learned I am pregnant! If not for this site my quit would not have been a reality. 5.11.2017~ I am over 200 days quit and almost halfway through my pregnancy. We found out that our baby is a little girl. I am beyond ecstatic to be living life with the man I love and a beautiful baby girl who will make us a family.