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Ugh!!! now I stink!

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No I didn't smoke - just went across the street to visit my neighbor - which I use to visit w/her endlessly and smoke the day away - literally! She called to see how I was doing and I told her I would come and visit for a little while before my hubby got home.
I went w/my Diet D/P w/cherry from sonic and now my new addiction - sunflower seeds in shell in hand and went for a very short visit..only 20 mins or so. She smoked two smokes while I was there and I thought each time she lit one I thought damn I use to do that! and then her house stunk!! and the furniture!! Oh my now here I am at home w/my warm up suit all cozy on a rainy day after cooking supper and waiting on my hubby to eat --- and I STINK!!! I am going to have to take another shower - which I just had one! I tell you the thoughts I had today of wanting a cigarette changed after that visit!! I don't want one now ---- they stink!!
Hello share, I had a similar experience today. I went to a friends house nervously because i have only quit for three days now and have had many relapses at his house. Everyone smokes and it was dangerous to go there but i did anyway because i needed to talk to him, anyhow he was asleep but there were many other people there awake and wanting a cigarette. They usually always ask me and this time was no different except that i had quit and was so glad i could say i've quit, that was so freeing and i felt great about myself. Just seeing these people needing and wanting a cigarette reminded me i was there not to long ago and don't ever want to go back. Share I share your disgust, cigarettes are terrible, good luck and god bless.
Jan, I just read your post to my significant other (don't like that title, but) who smokes in the house. Since we both used to smoke everywhere in the house it's hard for me to say to him "go outside and smoke" especially when it's cold out there. But, I don't want my house to smell like what you described your friends house smelling like. I don't want to be a nag about this, but wish I could figure out a way to make him not want the house to smell. Oh well, just complaining to those who will listen. By the way, talking about houses stinking, not only am I saving money not buying cigarettes, I'm also not buying all the room freshener plug ins and candles that I used to just to keep the house from smelling so bad if someone who didn't smoke happened to stop by.
isn't it awesome to be able to see and smell those kinds of things!
Isn't it also great to be able to sit there and chat with someone who is smoking without wanting to smoke yourself - instead realizing that you used to be that person, and you feel pity for that smoker. Your doing so well !!
thanks ev1 - have a great clean air weekend:)
Aren't you so glad your a non smoker now 🙂 Last friday night we went to our local VFW to eat dinner with some friends. They still allow smoking there and OMG when we opened the door up the stink just rolled out of the place. I looked at my husband and friends and said I don't know if I can even go in there. I managed dinner then was outta there. I'm in no hurry to go back either. I agree with what Jeff said about having great non smoker friends to have put up with me and that stink ewwwwwwwwwwww nausty !!!!! I couldn't wait to get thoses clothes off to the wash.
One of the things I am trying to enjoy and indulge in is good smelling shower stuff. 🙂 It is nice to take a shower and smell fresh and clean. I used to try and wait until my hair was totally dry before smoking because I knew it smelled so strongly when I smoked with wet hair.

Also, I have caught myself sniffing my fingers lately to see if they need to be washed because they stink like cigarettes.. and it sure is nice that they never do now!