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Share your quitting journey


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I've been sick since last night. Some stomach bug that's kept me home and near the bathroom. And I've realized something, Used cigarettes as comfort when I've been sick too. It's been nagging at me more all day.

All the things I've relied on smoking to help get me through and it's a type of lonliness learning to get through things without them Most days I've been staying busy, busy and then busier. I haven't felt like doing anything today except read blogs.

I'm whining and I know it. Smoking won't really help me feel better but time will. I'll make it!

Thanks for listening,



Whine all you want! That’s what we are here for. Hope you feel better soon.


Whine is Fine! Smoking is not!


HI Connie.  We used them for everything, good bad and indifferent. It takes time but you will see how silly it all is as times goes on.  Feel better.  You are doing great with your quit.


I hope you feel better very soon, you are so right Connie smoking won't help you feel better but time will and you will make it because it's going to get easier and easier with time under your belt and it's definetly worth it so hang on tight.....


Hey Connie!  Sorry to hear about the one is really sane if they don't feel bad when they are down with God only knows what.....please try to not beat yourself up so much.  This business of "whining" isn't really whining when you put it out here on a blog where there are people who care about you and read it.  Now if you were complaining to a total stranger that you didn't know, then I would say that could be thought of as not the case with us.  You are just letting us know about you and your state of being.  Believe it or not, there are alot of people here that genuinely care about that.  I like to think of it more of simply confiding.  Great job keeping the quit paramount.  So maybe get yourself a quart of top shelf ice cream and sit down and veg on that for awhile and think about how much better off you are now....then take a huge spoonfull and enjoy...hmmm that sounds great.


now get you some of that!!!!




used cigarettes?  shudder shudder poke yer udder

put your thumb in the freezer Connie.


It's amazing, isn't it, that even when we're sick we want a cigarette.  And we actually thought it would comfort us.  I can remember smoking during all illnesses.  Glad you've discovered the truth about it.  All it comforts is the need for that next cigarette - until the receptors start screaming again.  Hope you feel MUCH better soon.  Wish you could see the view out my office window. I get just a glimpse through the trees.   Dusk turning to night.  After a storm, pale pink against a pale blue-grey background with the black leaves of the trees in the foreground.  That comforts me far more than any cigarette did.  I think we all need to whine away and then get over ourselves until the next challenge that's presented from which we can learn more.  Hang tight.


So sorry Connie, I did the same thing, smoking was like my blanket when I was sick, didn't matter what the sickness was although I CAN remember vomiting violently after smoking and I certainly would not want to go through that again.  You are doing great, Connie, we are all proud of you and happy for you.



Hang in there Connie!!  Sending best wishes and prayers your way.  Whine all you want, but oh PLEASE don't ever think "just one won't hurt".  It caused me to start again after being quit 7 years (had smoked 30 before), and smoked another 6 after - grrrrr.....  But oh how awesome it is, when you get that 1st week, then 2 weeks, then a month, then 3 months behind you.  I think with most, when you get that 1st month under your belt, you'll never want to smoke again.  

Hoping you're better very quickly and good wishes your way!!!



Connie, sorry your not feeling well.   It is a amazing how smoking when we're sick could make us feel better in our minds.   I too, have felt the feeling of sadness/loneliness.   Those cigarettes were are buddies!  Feel better.



About the Author
I'm 59 with severe COPD. I've decided I really want to live and I won't if I smoke. I have 4 grown boys, a grandson and granddaughter due on 9/10. Lots of reasons to live.