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Share your quitting journey

Two weeks!

1 8 37

I'm so proud to be 2 weeks quit!  I did!  I did it!  I DID IT!  Yes, I know, beware of relapse.  I've relapsed enough in the past to know the dangers.  I also intend that this be my final quit.  I'm tired of being a slave to cigs, forever wondering when the next smoke break will be.  I can only imagine how much damage my body's incurred since I took my first drag.  I dread to think of the tar that's going to be stuck inside me for years to come.


I DID IT!  I've not smoked, despite stress, depression, and occasional cravings.  I will relearn life without cigarettes.  I may be addicted, but I'm not helpless.  I choose life over smoking.  Each new anniversary is a huge deal--a reminder that I'm stronger than I realize.  Two weeks now, then one month, six months, one year.  No more smoking!  I've got too much living to do.  I'm buying my first house.  So much to look forward to!  Goodbye, Smoking Spectre!  I've moved out of your house of lies and begun living again.

8 Comentarios

Congratulations on your 2 wks quit and a marvelous quittitude.


the cilia will be cleabing oiut you respiratory system.

If you get reflux, go to a dr. keep it in check.


Congratulations on your awesome two weeks of smoke free living and counting WTG, keep your wonderful attitude and continue stacking up your precious days of freedom. 


You are doing great.  Congrats on 2 weeks.  You are doing this!


Woot!! Congratulations on 2 weeks of freedom.  Isn't it wonderful to do something and not have to plan how to fit smoking in the time. I am absolutely loving the freedom.  NOPE!! for me.  Keep up the great days stacking up. 🙂


Wow, two weeks is a WOW for sure.  And yes, beware of relapse, and yes you can only imagine what smoking has done to your body, and yes you're not helpless. Sounds to me like you have all the answers and wisdom necessary to best this addiction.  If you continue to subscribe to that wisdom and those experiences that you've already discovered in this quitting process, then you will never ever have another Day One.   

But you are still an infant in the quitting process.   There are lessons to learn,  journeys to come that will test the mettle of your commitment.. Just watch your back, say I.  There are surprises that can throw you for a loop if you've not prepared well for them.  And believe me (I speak from 10 years of experience), you cannot prepare too well.


Congratulations on your two weeks smoke free!!!! Yea!! I'm two weeks today as well! Keep it up you seem very strong and determined! I know you got this!!


Congrats!!! Keep up the good work!!  You are stronger than the nicodemon!