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Share your quitting journey

Two Weeks

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Today was 14 days since my last cigarette!  Wow it seems like longer but I know it hasn't been.  Still doing amazingly well most of the time.  I know 2 weeks isn't long especially for those amazing people on here that have gone months and even a year, but I'm very thankful for making it this far!


We have all been in your shoes, keep stacking your days stay busy you can do this quit, i promise you its its a gift well worth giving yourself.


14 days is the REAL deal!!!  Good for you!



Congratulations on 2 weeks! everyday from day 1 and forward is wonderful and should be celebrated! I know I can see those earlier days mean everything because they are what brought to our next days. Celebrate and enjoy your smoke free days!  


2 weeks is great!!! Congratulations!!!

Keep stacking those days up. You ARE getting this done!!!



Are you kidding ? You are doing great!! That's H#ll week and Heck week both behind you! Now keep going and stacking those days one by one will take you all the way! WTG!!

Terrie  80  DOF




2 weeks is super fantastic!


Keep it Going Don't give up don't give in you are in it to win it. NOPE

Congratulations on your decision to commit to stop smoking.   Our resolve is to never smoke again.  NOPE Not one puff ever.  I suggest that you follow the steps on the web page along with reading, writing, studying, researching.   This is all about you and what you are willing to do to be a nonsmoker.  Here is a link to Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Quit Smoking.

Also check out There is a lot of beneficial information.  Look for Freedom From Nicotine My Journey Home.  Nicotine Addiction 101.  Stay close to the site and learn, ask questions. Read the blogs enjoy your commitment to quit smoking.


Two weeks is very good! If you want to compare your quit to those of us with longer ones, here is the way to do it!

I quit and I have not smoked since then!

You quit and you have not smoked since then!

The way I see it the best any of us can do is never smoke again! So we are all on the same page! We don't do that anymore!!



Congratulations on two weeks. Don't compete with others than have been quit longer than you.  The only you have to compete is yourself, one second, minute, hour, days and before you know years will come around.

 N. O. P. E. Not One Puff Ever

N. E. F. Never Ever Forget

no such thing as one cigg.

One foot in front of the other.


Trust us - 2 weeks is LONG - no matter what stage the rest of us are on past that point.  We all remember what 2 weeks into it was like.  (IF we got that far.) 

Every single DAY is a milestone in the beginning of our quits.  And then we move on to weeks and months and triple digits and .....

BUT - sometimes we revert to just that "one day at a time" approach.  Because sometimes that's what's necessary to get us through the next day.  No matter WHAT stage we're in on this journey.  Sometimes it's truly a matter of one minute at a time, one day at a time.  I can't say that I've experienced that of late in my 9+ years of smoke freedom.  But I  CAN tell you that there are gonna be those times when you need to hold fast to the recognition that you made it through these two weeks. 

Because these two weeks provide the power for the next two.  And the two after that and the two after that.  Two weeks is HUGE compared to the old you.  Compared to the new quitter who has never gotten past that Day One. 

You're doing magnificently.  Keep shouting out to us about your journey.  You support us all in your steadfastness.  And you support yourself by the words you  type out here. Ya know? 


You are doing super fantastic with your quit, 2 precious smoke free weeks and counting WTG. 


Thank you all so much for your encouraging words!  It's surprising to me how much I already depend on the support that I receive here!  Thanks again and congratulations to you all for your success.