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Share your quitting journey

Trying to quit again.

0 21 141

Well, here I am trying to quit again. I am sure that everyone that comes across this has been through a lot in regards to trying to quit smoking. It seems like almost an impossible feat however, I am going to keep trying until I am met with success and I can be without a cigarette forever. My quit date is in two weeks, so I have time to prepare. However, I did try quitting about a week ago because I was part of another anti-smoking program however, it just did not seem to suit me. There was no big community, not that I researched a lot, but it just felt generic an bland. I did like the calculator on your savings and what not as well as the online badges for different milestones but as I said, it felt more generic and bland. 

So today, I was looking into more anti smoking online communities and what not and I stumbled upon this one. I like how when I first signed up, I already had someone welcome me and encourage me, and that makes me feel more welcome and more eager to reach out when I am having cravings and dealing with withdrawal symptoms. I really hope that I can make a lot of contacts as well as hear others peoples perspectives, opinions, and stories of how they were a smoker or how the quitting is going. I hope it is met with success. One of the biggest reasons in fact, that I started a relaspse again, was that although I am trying to quit, and although some people may joke in my life, about how "oh you are quittng again', or "or I know you're going to smoke I know it", or "Are you sure you quit for all those days", and "I am counting my cigarettes just in case" and I could be a very rigid person in certain situations but to me, it's a little annoying. Myself I have tried to quit so many times, and what not but right now at least during the beginning I need support not side remarks of humour, I wonder if anyone else has gotten that? 

Anyway, as I said my quit date is in two weeks. I am looking forward to working on my tirggers and my biggest one which is being bored. But regardless, I am off to do the housework. Housework believe it or not, helps me not smoke. 


21 Comentarios

Welcome You have come to the right place if you are making the decision to commit to quit smoking.  At EX our resolve is to never smoke again.  NOPE “Not one puff ever.”  I suggest that you follow the steps on the web site pages along with reading, writing, studying, researching and blogging if you like.  

This is all about you and what you are willing to do to be a nonsmoker.  If you haven’t read it, here is a link to Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Way to Quit Smoking”.  It is an easy read suggested by the “elders” (those with1+ yrs. Quit).

Also check out there is a lot of additional beneficial information to read and study.  Look for Freedom From Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101. Both were extremely helpful for me.  Stay close to the site and learn, ask questions. Read the blogs and most of all enjoy your commitment to quit smoking.

If you should need something to do here is a link that will help

 If you take the time to do the work you will have success. 


Jackie has given you some very good reading to do! Please do it. I know that reading the Carr book made all the difference in my quit!. I als wanted to add, that you can click on someones avatar and click profile to get to their page. Alot of Elders have very good info. on their pages! Plan and prepare, be willing and be commiter to your quit and you will have great success! NOPE (not one puff ever) There will also be others along to say hello and Welcome you! You have made a great choice to quit smoking!

Terrie  138  DOF


Hello and welcome! You sound like me. This time I decided not to tell anyone I was quitting. They expect me to fail anyways. I found that to be easier. Definitley read the Allen Carr book. It made a huge difference!


You're in the right place!! I've been a member since 2010 and have failed at least 5 times but I always come back to EX. There are special people here who never give up on YOU!! I'm 19 days in now and they make me feel special, maybe because I gave up drinking alcohol 7 years ago. Now that was a big help!! Keep coming back and I added YOU as a new friend.

Candy    19   DOF


Hey B!  I'm so glad you made the effort to write a blog, (I wish they would change the terminology for that; it's such a pukey sounding word.)  But whatever you call it, I'm glad you did it, (well, hopefully not puke.)  I may not be the best person to welcome you aboard.  I compensate for a lot of grief hiding behind humor, (humour for jimmypage.)  Or maybe not hiding, but defending myself against a lot of grief with humor, (humour for jimmypage.)  What I'm trying to say, not so eloquently, is welcome back.

I'm going to guess that before I post this you will have several other greetings ahead of me.  I really need to learn to type faster.  As of now, Jackie has already beat me to the punch.  Jackie gives good advice.  I've found the more you know about beating your addiction to nicotine, the easier it is to quit smoking.  And that really is what it is all about.  You don't really even want to smoke.  Otherwise you wouldn't be here.  But you are addicted to nicotine, (we all are here,) and that is the nicodemon against whom we all struggle.  Once you are on to his nefarious ways and deceitful lies, you will find it within you to stand up for yourself and say, "NO MORE."  Not One Puff Ever = N.O.P.E.

The best way to get educated is to read the Allen Carr book, The Easy Way To Quit Smoking.  Jackie has already left you a link to the free on-line version.  It is good that you've given yourself two weeks to prepare.  I recommend doing the tasks outlined because the first couple weeks, as you probably know already, are not what most people call fun, (sorry Mr. Carr.)  But if you've planned ahead what you will do instead, since you won't be doing that anymore, you will get through.  And the only way to the other side, to the freedom of living smoke-free, is through.  You can do this!

There are a handful of members here we all affectionately refer to as Elders; folks with sturdy, steady quits under their belts that hang around simply to help us newbies along.  I'm only 83 3/4 days into my quit, and they are an invaluable resource.  Read their blogs, take their advice, trust them.  They mean well.  Even Giulia!  Her bark is much worse than her bite.

Then, hang around here as much as you please.  Whine, cry, scream, (wait!  hit the brakes!  SCREEEEEECH!!!  What am I saying?)  Laugh, giggle, smile and dance your way through this journey.  It really is, as much as anything else, how you look at it.  You are not giving up anything.  You are gaining everything, from a healthier body, to greater self-esteem, to a whole new awakening on life!  It truly is freedom, and it's yours for the taking.  Sometimes I wonder if it is not better to be an Ex-smoker than a Never-smoked.  You enjoy the same freedoms as they, but having been a slave to the addiction for so many days, you appreciate the freedom so much more.

So welcome aboard, or to the team, (as Terri would tell you.)  We are all here to walk this journey with you.  Educate, prepare, commit, and then quit.  It really is as simple as that.

Willing you success!


You see!  Three people hopped in line in front of me just while I was writing that little diddy.

= )


Welcome, you have come to the right place. I stumbled on this site a few months ago and everyone has been so positive and helpful. You can do it, forever this time. You may want to stay away from those so called friends for awhile. send a message anytime.


Welcome to our community!


Maybe it's just me - but I would want to quit successfully just to shove it in the naysayers' faces!!!


The most important thing you can do right now is to educate yourself on what nicotine does to your body and mind. To that end, I also highly recommend Allen Carr's “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.” This is an easy and entertaining read, and I think you will be amazed at what you don't know about this addiction.


As well, read the sections on this site, and read the blogs, responses and pages of folks you think might be helpful. You might visit and for the good information contained there. You should also do the tracking and separation exercises suggested on this site


After you have completed the recommended reading, it will be time to make an informed choice of the quit aid, if any, you will use. If you go that route, I personally recommend the aids that don't let the addict control the dose such as the available prescription drugs or the patch. But – any method that you think will work well for you will be best for you.


The idea is to change up your routines so the smoking associations are reduced.  Drink your coffee with your OTHER hand. If you always had that first smoke with your coffee, try putting your tennies on right out of bed, going for a quick walk, then taking your shower and THEN your coffee! Rearrange the furniture in the areas you used to smoke so the view is different.


You need to distract yourself through any craves.  You can take a bite out of a lemon (yup - rind and all), put your head in the freezer and take a deep breath of cold air, do a few jumping jacks, go for a brisk walk or march in place, play a computer game.  Don't let that smoking thought rattle around in your brain unchallenged. Sometimes you need to quit a minute or an hour at a time.  You will need to be disciplined in the early days to distract yourself when a crave hits.  Don't let that smoking thought rattle around your head alone.  Get busy!


The conversation in your head in response to the "I want a cigarette" thought needs to be, "Well, since I have decided not to do that anymore, what shall I do instead for the three minutes this crave will last?"  Then DO it.  You will need to put some effort into this in the early days, but it gets easier and easier to do.


Stay close to us here and ask questions when you have them and for support when you need it. We will be with you every step of the way!




I don't do ditty's

but this link may inform you of a thing or two you've never considered.


B.  He does to do dittys, but you can trust what he says in the link.


I only bite if you don't do your homework and don't pay attention!   Kidding.  I tend to pull no punches, though.  Quitting for many of us is a matter of life and death.  It is a deadly serious business.  We've seen people die from the effects of smoking and some of us live with serious effects ourselves.  BUT quitting can also be full of humor.  As a matter of fact humor is a very necessary ingredient in the process!  We have a lot of fun here and can kinda wacky at times!

I can tell you from my own experience as a 10 year quitter - you don't have to WANT to quit.  The only thing quitting requires is 100% commitment.  The stronger your preparation, the stronger you quit will be.  This is a journey, not an event.  It is one of the most empowering experiences you'll ever have.  Read as much as you can get your eyeballs on in here.  Knowledge is your friend.  So are we.  Welcome!


Oh I know first hand Giulia bites!!! Haha. Love ya G!


guess nancy and the gang said it. keep coming back the support here is aces. the elders been through what we r going through now.


Hi B.  You will get support here.  You will get the cheerleaders, the elders, the wisdom, the knowledge, the friendships.  But we can't quit for you.  100% commitment will keep you quit going. 

Who cares what others think?  Their opinion of you is none of your tell them that 🙂  They can keep their opinions to themselves or you can ignore them and do what YOU need to do anyway.

Sending you warm thoughts and tons of warm fuzzies!!


Wow! Words cannot express how happy I feel right now that I have so many people that have reached out both newer quitters and elders to show support and that makes me full of gratitude for everyone of you while also having a feeling that I really can do this. I am wanting to quit more than ever now because for the first time ever, I feel like I have reached out for guidance and support and my hand wasn't smacked away, I was not turned into a joke, or my habit, and no one looks at me like "seriously, it's just smoking damn". Thank you everyone. I think I will spend an hour a day before bedtime reading, writing, and gathering information. This has already made me feel so welcome. Please also, if anyone would like to chat just about anything in particular, feel free to. Thank you so much everyone ❤️


Well B, is this a great group or what? You are in the right place with the right group. What could be better? Welcome, success lives here!


Welcome B, you have made the best decision that you will ever make in your lifetime and we are all here for you. You have the best links and advice above me. 



Welcome one elder's page you may want to visit is jonescarps aka dale. Read, Read and change your attitude to I will, don't start with trying. Positive thinking, You will do this!!!! 


 I see many have already welcomed you and given great advice to you I just want to say that I am glad you are here with us .

I found  this site as you did just searching for some support and it has been the greatest support possible ! Outside of Ex some are supportive but most just figure you must be "over it " after a few weeks go by .....ppl here know we need much more then that !

Best advice I can think of from my own quit was using straws for the hand to mouth habit deep breathing , a whole lot of positive self talk to beat down that nicodemon in my head and coming here to read , blog and comment and by the way  thank you for the  very nice comment on my blog today .

Stick with us ! I know you can rock this quit I smoked for 51 years and was very addicted here I am at 286 days thanks be to God and this EX- Community that is now my EX- family !


Don't worry to much about the several prior attempts to quit.  Like learning to smoke takes practice  - sometimes learning that you can live with out smoking also does.   I've been down the road you've described too.  But when I quit a bit over 3 weeks ago, it felt different, like it's gonna stick.  This has been a great group of people which has been a BIG help for me.  Plus the Carr book metioned help me learn to at least understand why we feel addicted and a few new ways to think about things as you start you quit I've found helpful.  Cheers to your new quite date and welcome aboard!

Find out about Nicotine Addiction and make a game plan: If smoking is not an option, What shall I do instead? Be able to answer that question before you stop puffing your Sickerettes. Otherwise you'll be white knuckling your quit!