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Trust Me On This...

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You CAN enjoy yourself at get togethers, picnics, visiting with friends and neighbors, sitting on your porch or deck......without drinking alcohol....(or just one).

When you go home, you can be proud that you didn't fall into the "just one" trap and  kept your quit your #1 priority.

I will be proud of you, too!  A quit is a terrible thing to lose.



Yes. Do trust Nancy!


I guess that I am realizing it is my #1 priority. I have settled down the first couple of days were terrible. I noticed all the free time that I have now that I am not sitting in a terrible place full of darkness and morbid smell of smoke. I thank God has sent a light through me of peace and ridding of the old routine. Yea! Picnic sounds great to me.


It's true!  It's true!  5 of my previous 6 relapses were alcohol related.  I thought it would be hard to give it up or cut back. But if you plan accordingly, it really was quite simple for me (finally!).  Now I rarely drink, and when I do, it is with my wife or trusted friend to keep me accountable.  If I'm at a business function, I just tell people I have an appointment afterwards.  Or, I say I've just taken my allergy meds, and can't have any alcohol for several hours. No one has every given me any grief, and everyone appreciates a potential designated driver!


dashquit52‌ Get some bubble juice and blow bubbles...alcohol is a quit killer, particularly at the beginning but even later on...too much alcohol will steal any quit.

You are doing GREAT!



It is what it is.  If you need to smoke if you drink, don't drink.  If you have to smoke if you are around smokers.  Don't be around smokers.  Keep it simple.  If you think you are struggling it may be the alcohol tugging.  Somethings you have to just put down until you are free.  Those drinks on the weekend can keep you struggling all week.  It is called trigger hangover.


And don't eat 3 fried chickens and the whole pie either  

About the Author
I smoked until a vascular surgeon informed me of the damage I had done to myself by doing so. I quit 11 years ago, and I can swim laps virtually FOREVER now, walk most other days 40 minutes to an hour and a half. What a difference quitting has made in my life! I strive to help others find this wonderful freedom from addiction, too.