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Share your quitting journey

Truly Ashamed!!!

0 21 61

I am writing this blog to confess that I slipped up today (Wednesday, the 2nd of November).  I truly apologize to you ALL!!!!​  I really am so ashamed of what I've done and not to be dramatic in any way....I'm not like that, but I know I don't deserve your support at this time.  Maybe next Wednesday when I come on and announce my 1st full week of not smoking.  So for those of you who have written me a message on my message board today, I'd rather not reply to your supportive and encouraging messages right now so please don't be concerned if I don't reply.  You ALL are such incredible heroes to me and I'm just not worthy of your kindness at this point.  I cannot believe I did this.  I let you all down, myself down, and most importantly to me, I let my Jesus down.  For those of you who do pray, I sure could use some right now.  I will do better, I promise you all!!!!!

God bless you all!!!

21 Comentarios

Oh Louis, Please don't beat yourself up. Trust me, you are much more disappointed in yourself than any of us will be! A relapse is just that, a relapse, it happens to a lot of people.It sounds to me like you are going to get right back on your Quit! I am glad! Here is a group full of reading material about relapse, very helpful.

Also, The Daily Pledge Group is a great place to make a daily commitment not to smoke, we lift each other up and when we have a weak moment we think of the 2 people that are holding our hands walking together through this nasty addiction! Please join us!

Don't Quit on your Quit!

God Bless You!



You are one of us now so don’t you go …. MIA …. on us. Keep educating yourself on this addiction it does help when you understand it more.  Go back to that feeling you had just before you smoked and ask yourself what could you have done different to not smoke. Make a list of all the things you could have done instead of smoking. I have a list of activities on my page that can be done instead of smoking and there has to be something on my list you might like or make up your own list of things to do instead of smoking and put that in your quit kit. You are going to have uncomfortable moments when you quit we all had to go through this but in time it does get better. We are here for you talk to us when you feel like you are going crazy it helps to talk about it. Now pick yourself back up here is my hand reaching out to you grab it I will pull you back up again. You can do this stay positive and stay close to this site.  

I just said a prayer for you. 

Whoa, Buddy! You relapsed but making mistakes doesn't make us unworthy! Otherwise we'd all be damned! You know that Christ died for our sins and the Father forgave us before we were born! Now regroup, quickly! Get started again! Don't use relapse as an EXcuse for failure! Throw those smokes away! Smoking another Week is buying the Nico-lie!

Mark 2:17


Stand tall, stand proud. You had a slip, you owned it, learn from it and move on. We're human, we're allowed to not be perfect. Sorry you had a slip, there's nothing you can do about that except learn from it. You've been given some good suggestions above. You did exactly the right thing, you didn't keep this a secret, you owned it and let people know. What can you learn from it? What can you do differently next time to not have a slip? You can choose to use this as a learning tool and maybe next time come on here before you slip? Maybe do something different next time the addiction speaks to you. Maybe you can speak back only louder and say  "I don't do that any more"?  Keep fighting for your quit, it's simple we just don't smoke. It's not always easy, it takes effort but you are so worth the effort. You fell off the wagon, it's simple get back on. You can do this!  S.I.N.A.O. smoking is not an option, N.O.P.E. not one puff ever, never give in, never give up just keep saying NO a day at a time. You got this!


It's ok Louis!  Please stop beating yourself up.  You're human and we make mistakes.  Please don't go away from the site.  You could use our support and we need yours.  Set a new quit date and let's do this together!  We belive in you!

Hi Louis Relapses can and do happen, so take what you can learn from the experience, and apply it to your next quit. Don't dwell, fixate, languish or resume smoking for another week while you over-analyze what went wrong. Just quit. Again. 3 days before my current quit of 77 days, I began a cold-turkey quit. All was going well up to the critical day 3 - when I discovered a pack with 2 cigarettes left in it. I caved, smoked them both, then ended up bumming another to boot. And then, feeling both disgusted and disappointed with myself, I began a new quit after focusing briefly on why I had just failed. I prayed for some help, then began a new quit, my current quit. Just do it Louis, the only thing stopping you, or I should say pausing you, is you. So give yourself another opportunity to quit. Today is a good day. I know you can do this 🙂 Kjay

Nobody is more disappointed in you than you.  We all understand that stuff happens.

NOW - pick yourself up,dust yourself off, and make a plan for what you will do differently in the ame circumstance next time.  What could you have done dfferently?  bviously smoking wasn't the answer!  What could have been.  Plan now for the eventuality and get started again.

We are still with you!


Coming from a "slippery quitter" myself, We are here to pick you back up I fell so many times since being a EX I think I became a wolf but that didn't stop me now here I am 41 days since my last slip. I guess it's safe to say practice made perfect for me but the best thing you can do is jump right back in your quit don't wait. Also remember how you feel now next time you think about "just one" no one like the feeling of defeat, shame, regret, embarrassment keep how you're feeling now close so you won't fall again. Come here BEFORE you light up and we could talk those thoughts down.

ya, well, you smoked.  Today is a new day and you get right back on that horse.  Be sure to identify why you picked up that cigarette because that "why" will come around again.  Devise a plan for the next time when the "why" appears.  You just get back up and get back on the quitting trail.  no biggie, just keep at it 😉


We have all been through several (read many) attempts before working on what we all want to be our last!  The addiction to Nicotine is extremely strong, and no matter how dedicated we are, it is sometimes stronger than us.

Take from the prior attempt what helps you learn, and just start over, with each failed attempt we grow a little stronger against the addiction, and eventually can stand strong in face of the many temptations it puts along the way!

Work on your state of mind, tell yourself you deserve to be the free person you plan on being, and start over!  You'll get here only support, advice, education, from people just like you.  No judgment, no punishment.  Kimberly (MePlus3) is probably one of our quitters who had to start over many times before her last 41 DOF quit, and there she is supporting you!


So sorry to hear you slipped. Don't beat yourself up and whoa you are so worthy of our support.  The great part of being in a support group you don't have to do this by yourself.  So please don't think you need to go a week by yourself without smoking to prove yourself.  If you could have done that in the beginning you would not have searched for a support group.We are here to pick you up and carry on. So take hold of all of our hands in a circle of friendship and know we all are in this together.  So get up brush yourself off and lets together walk down that pathway to freedom. You CAN do this!  I would suggest that when you find yourself in deep trouble with the nicodemon dude that you write a blog titled HELP and you will be amazed at all the people come running to your rescue. Now lets do this again.


So, you've fallen down..pick yourself back up again and dust yourself off.  I'm sure most, if not all of us have slipped up in the past in one of our attempts to quit. 

You are determined and you will be successful again. So, no more being ashamed - learn from your mistake and move on. You're human after all, you're allowed to make mistakes. And how else do we learn if not from our mistakes?

Don't leave the community - if we all left due to a slip up, there would be quite a bit fewer of us, don't you think? You're going to be ok Louis!


Oh dear me. Let's get past the guilt and get that over with. This is just a moment in time. It will be followed by more. Grab the next one that looks promising and use it to start your real quit.

A lot of people quit over and over and over and then finally find the one that sticks. It doesn't really matter how you do it. Me? I waited over a decade between serious quit attempts because I was afraid to fail. You are way ahead of me on that one.

Judge Judy is two doors over, she doesn't have a blog here. Take a look at what you are doing that worked, and what you are doing that caused you to smoke again. In the end, remember, this is your life. It's worth quitting about.


No need to apologize-We're rooting for you but you should not be quitting for us or anyone except for yourself.  View it as move up on the learning curve ,get back on your quit and come here and blog before you smoke..


Unless you enjoy self-flagellation, stop it.  Just get over it and get on with it.  Figure out what went wrong, make the necessary adjustments and begin anew.  (It has taken many of us here a few times around the block to get it right.  You're not alone.)  A bit of reading material that may be of use:  Watch out for Potholes.

And don't forget your sense of humor, Louis.  It's a necessary and wonderful ingredient along the path. 


Support is given because it is needed. If you wish to stop smoking then please welcome support. Running away from help until you are "well" enough for it...just doesn't make sense. There is no contest going on here---the deserving or undeserving. You quit smoking for yourself, no oneelse. If you need support, then don't stay in the shadows.


Recoup , deep breaths and start your new quit , the sooner the better and know that we're all here rooting for you because you can and will be successful ! 


Louis... don't leave! It's okay,  we're only human!  We're comrades in arms. Tomorrow is a new day.  Don't let this slip up define your future---- regroup and we can all march on together!