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Triggers & Separators

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My goal for the next few days is to continue educating myself with the readings people suggested for me and to really learn myself. As I was going through the triggers and separator part of the quit plan this morning, I really wanted to ask for tactics some of you guys had used that seemed to work really well for you. I know what my triggers are and which ones are the worst. I always smoke the most and cravings are the worst in stressful/upsetting situations. I am eager to hear from people who have experience in fighting these cravings and can give me suggestions for separation. I hope no one minds my asking for so much support here like this. Most of my family and friends are smokers. It's always been difficult to get support from them it actually becomes more pressure for me. I've always got someone asking me if I want a cigarette when they know I am trying to quit. I have been debating even telling them about my quit date because of this. Is that stupid?


Learning to deep breathe through the craving was my most useful tool! I can use it anywhere and any time....deep breathe in on slow 4 count, hold for 4, exhale on 4! Make the breaths deep so that your whole chest and belly fill and really concentrate on the breathing process!  Feel the healthy oxygen going in and out!


laugh out loud. it releases dopamine just like nicotine and it will remind you you aren't a smoker anymore.

you an not stay focused on smoking when you hear yourself laugh out loud.

Speak positively. Don't say stuff like I need a cigarette. You undermine yourself. Say "I don't smoke anymore"

bite into a lemon skin and all. this will shock you out of a crave.

stick your head in the frezer and breathe the cold air for 20 seconds.

all you have to do is momentarily shock yourself out of the path of the craving.

they usualy last only 3 minutes.

Watch drinking alcohol. Drinking is one of the two biggest quit killers.

Don't talk yourself into smoking. The other biggie. don't even start that conversation.

come here and post the word help in a blog title and wait for us to talk you down.

  Borrowed from Joyexencore (11-5-12) 
  Craving Kickers
  Did you know most cravings only last 3 to 5 minutes?
  20 Craving Kickers
  1. Take a deep breath and ask yourself, “What do I really want right now?” Keep asking yourself the question til you figure out what you really need right now (probably not really a smoke).
  2. Drink a glass of water.
  3. Call a friend.
  4. Write down 3 things you are grateful for in your life.
  5. Do 25 jumping jacks.
  6. Take a 3-5 minute walk.
  7. Go brush your teeth.
  8. Paint your nails.
  9. Get a jar of bubbles and go blow bubbles
  10. Play your favorite music and dance for a bit.
  11. Write down 3 reasons you want to be smoke free.
  12. Chomp on some raw veggies or fruit. The crunchier the better!
  13. Cut a straw into the length of a cigarette and chew on it. Or use a cinnamon stick.
  14. Get out some paper and doodle.
  15. Make sure you are using your nicotine replacement or medication properly
  16. Take 5 minutes and write yourself a love note.
  17. Do a crossword puzzle or Sudoku.
  18. Imagine how you will feel tonight knowing you made it another day smoke-free!
  19. Find a video on YouTube that makes you laugh. Congrats, you made it!
  20. Look in the mirror and tell yourself “I love you and I will take care of you”.

I have had several friends quit smoking in the past year, and for each one, they did it differently... One used chantix, one used gobstoppers, and one used practicing an intense yoga... I think the bottom line is...... You just have to get through those cravings and not give in to picking up a cigarette.... Of course, I am still a smoker and have my quit date set, which is approaching soon... I have tried numerous aids in the past and have failed on all of them.. I'm now reading Carr's book and have subscribed to this site for my next and hopefully final quit.


These are all some good suggestions you guys are giving. Thank you so much for the lists they're great.

When is your quit date Sam? I have never tried an aid in past attempts to quit smoking. I was afraid I would become dependant on it. I too am reading Carr's book it is really interesting and am looking forward to finishing it.


Sounds like you are right on track! Don't forget


One of my toughest times was in the car. So I started doing a couple of things -- I got a CD on learning to speak French and did that in the car. And if it wasn't that, I just cranked the radio and sang along as loud as I could!  

I swapped coffee for tea in the mornings for awhile too; I was afraid coffee was a bad trigger. But it ended up being no big deal, I found I actually drank MORE coffee after I quit because I could actually taste it! 

Little things make a big difference. Change your routine around a trigger -- drink a different beverage, drive a different route, close your eyes and count to 10 instead of immediately reacting to something. 

You can do this! 


I took to dum dum lollipops that mimic the hand movement and sucking. I told my relatives that I don't smoke anymore, so please do not smoke in the house. Most important for me was that smoking stuff was trashed. Visit here often. It really helps!


These are all great suggestions. Sarah, I also have a coffee trigger. It seems almost routine to have a cup of coffee and smoke in the mornings. I may have to change that routine to avoid that trigger.

And I love dum dum suckers. I would love to be able to trash all my smoking stuff but my jusband smokes so I am not sure how to work that out.?