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Share your quitting journey

Tough one!

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Day 4 have done well but today has been really tough! very aggitated tonight ! cravings seem worse today then the last three days! Just glad I have no cigarettes here! Thinking at work when I complete projects has always just been kinda like a reward when I was done! so tough going through the day without the added breaks and rewards! Not gonna quit on my quit I like not smoking, just gonna take time to relearn life without them! thank you! Kym


Congratulations on your 4 precious smoke free days and counting WTG Kym, the nicotine is now out of your system but it's the habit now that you need to break because everything we did involved cigarettes. Quitting smoking is definitely difficult to say the least but boy oh boy it's absolutely Doable and so worth it, it takes time to relearn different ways of dealing with life's issues without the crutch of smoking so just keep moving forward and stacking up those precious DOF--Days of Freedom . Stick close to this site because we're all here to help you through the rough patches, drink lots of water and keep your mind as well as your hands occupied and remember N. O.P. E  - Not One Puff Ever - will give you a beautiful life of Freedom but unfortunately it takes time to get to that good place in your quit but it's so worth it to be FREE 


Congratulations on your awesome 4 DOF! It's not always easy but YOU are worth the effort. I can so relate to the reward, when I quit I would just take a few big breaths and be so happy because I could now take a big breathe and not cough. I hope ;you find another reward system.


Congratulations on 4 days quit!  It is a tough time - I remember well!  It is very smart of you to not keep any cigarettes around.  Just do whatever it takes to get through the next couple of days without smoking! Best wishes to you!


Congrats on 4 days! One day at a time, sometimes it's one hour or one minute at a time as long as you keep moving forward. The question is, what else can you reward yourself after you finish a project?

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device


Hi Kym welcome to Ex I hope it is not confusing with this new format I am totally confused but glad to see your blog .The reward cigarette is a tough one it was for me I had to really plan ahead and figure out new rewards so when the craving hit after I finished a task I was prepared with a cup of tea or a snack . I really felt it when summer hit and I was gardening but this past summer was my second summer season as an Ex and what a difference I didn't even have craves !  Make a plan be prepared and it really gets easier as you go along !

Congrats on your 4 Days quit !!!!!


thank you!