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Share your quitting journey

Tough Day

2 11 18

Hello friends,

Let me begin by thanking you all for being a part of this site and sharing your strengths, weakness, successes, slip-ups and advice. It has made me feel a lot less lonely during this process. It is difficult for non-smokers to understand the thoughts, pains and minute-by-minute struggles an ex-smoker goes through, especially in the beginning. I am very much leaning on this site and all of you right now.

I was supposed to leave for a week-long family vacation to Cape Cod today. Before we left we took my six-year old golden retriever, Lucy, to the vet for what we thought was a bladder infection. As it turns out, her lungs are riddled with cancer and the prognosis is not good. Understandably, we cancelled our trip to stay home and be with her and figure out the next steps.

Initially, I blamed myself. I have never smoked inside the house, but I have smoked when she an I have been outside in the yard together and I've cuddled with her with third-hand smoke on my clothes and skin. I am heartbroken. I have spent the entire day in shock, sporadically interrupted by waves of devastation. A week into my quit and my precious pup, my copper angel, has lung cancer. I hate cigarettes. I hate cancer. I hate how unfair life can be.

There were a couple moments today that I was surprised I was not smoking. My cousin is visiting me from out of state and she smokes a pack a day just like I used to. Right now there is a carton of my favorite cigarettes, Camel Turkish Silver, sitting in her car. Her open pack and lighter were on my patio all day; a place I smoked more cigarettes than I care to count.

She is not doing this to intentionally hurt me or tempt me, although misery does love company. She herself is caught in the sticky web of addiction. I know all too well about the stronghold that nicotine and the addictive poisons in those little sticks have on a person. I can only ask her not to smoke near me, but I cannot make her quit. It never worked when others asked that of me when I was a smoker. It only made me feel frustrated, indignant and alientated. She needs to make the decision to quit on her own, just like I did.

I did not smoke today. I kept asking myself, "What will that fix?" Nothing. It has never and will never fix anything. It is just an insidious trap that ruins people's lives. I have little control over most things that happen to me in my life, but I can control whether or not I smoke. I just want to break free once and for all and I never want to be a prisoner again. God grand me the serenity…

Well wishes,


11 Comentarios

Keep finding the truths about the lies. Keep walking the talk.

Nothing makes us smoke but ourselves and the old beliefs that it fixed things.

Onward and Upward


Blaming yourself for something like that is not worth your time and energy.  Focus on the good of your quit and put one foot in front of the other.  

No matter what protect your quit.  



I am so sorry to hear of the health issues of Lucy, your precious baby.  It is an awful blow to get news like this and have to prepare onesself for this kind of pain.  I am so very sorry.  Please do not blame yourself.  You have given her LOVE.  And she has returned it.  It is nothing you did to cause it.  You are doing well, staying away from the cigs.  they will not help, you know this, just keep remembering it.  Love and peace to you and Lucy.


I am so sorry about your dog, Amy.  Comfort and love her until the end is all you can humanly do.  You are doing your very best.  So glad that you did not smoke.  You are doing so well not smoking with your cousin there and especially under the circumstances.  Keep up the great work!


Amy, you are doing terrific! I am so sorry to hear the news about Lucy! Keep hanging in and hanging on to your quit! Smoking will not help you or Lucy. I am proud of you for asking your cousin not to smoke around you! That is smart!!

Terrie  90  DOF


I am so sorry for your news.  It is not good to blame yourself.  Just give your "baby" all the love and attention you can.  I took ,my darling cat of 13 years to the vet because she would not eat her dry cat food, thinking she had a tooth problem.  After examining her, the vet told me she had a huge tumor in her tummy.  She was acting fine except for the eating - so I asked the vet at what point she would experience pain.  The vet was astonished she was not already there.  I made the decision not to make her suffer another minute in silence and had her put down right then and there.  I am not sure which is more difficult - your way or mine.  We are so lucky to have their company and love for as long as we do.

Hang in there - smoking will not do one thing to make this any easier!

I will be thinking of you,



Thank you all for your kind and supportive words. One day at a time is really hard for me right now. The days feel so long. I have been breaking it down to one minute at a time. When I have difficult moments I remind myself that I can get through the next 60 seconds. Eventually the minutes add up and I realize I made it through a whole day, minute by minute. My strength is being tested right now. I know it only takes a single moment to light a cigarette, and right now I trust that I can handle one moment at a time. Still smoke free.


Good morning, sorry that you have to deal with the illness of a pet that you love.  I commend you on your fortitude not to smoke. Sometimes life brings crisis that we have to learn from so to help someone else that will go through what you are going through right now.  Just quitting is difficult.  If you could ask your guest to help you with not leaving the cigarettes around.  The addiction can have us on automatic pilot and before you know it you are picking up and smoking.  Have a good day Amy.  I will add you in my prayers.


I am very sorry about your beautiful pet I have two dogs that are getting up there in age it is very sad that there life spans are so short and can be even shorter due to illness or accidents . It is not your fault  !  If it gives you an added incentive to stay quit so much the better .

Hang in there Amy I live with a smoker and I am now on day 239 by the grace of God and this wonderful site I have many days of freedom..... stick with us !


so sorry to hear about your doggie..i feel guilty every time i smoke around my little doggie also..i have not quit yet but reading all the  post is getting me ready..i,m down to 3 cigs a day..will be glad when i can say  0 smokes in a day  or first week..i have been smoking 51 years..good luck keep up the good work


Hi Amy congratulations for hanging in there at such a tough time, you Won the fight today, keep up the great work and hugs to your lovely pup!