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Too many cooks in the kitchen

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But none of them can make me smoke or pick paint colors worth a damn.

      Where I bean?

We're repainting the inside and the outside of the house so my brother and I are adding to the handrails and patching the rear deck while the painters are doing the inside.

      We had a bunch of  too many people picking paint colors and having the painter put it on the exterior wainscot and stucco and everyone was getting desperate.

      Picking paint colors is so frustrating for me because often, the samples don't look the same as you imagined they would when they're on the wall. 

Anyway, I got to make the final decision because everyone else gave up.

         The yellow background (Moonraker) will be the stucco and the eaves.

The darker color (Clary Sage) will be the wainscot to ground the house and will also be used for the front door and all trim and the garage door. The Dover White will be the stairs deck and railings in the back.

Moonraker & Clary Sage.png

      Who knows what it will look like. The gold looked more yellow than gold when he put it on the wall.   

      I'd love to have someone paint a mural on the wall above the garage. Missy?

and then the landscaping.

Oh Boy,  I got my compressor working correctly after replacing parts for a month until I got the right one.

Keep your quit. It's something you have control of.

Everything else is a dream or a nightmare. 


Thanks for sharing the beautiful colors.


Good to see you Dale.  I like the color’s... Happy Painting ~ Colleen 144 DOF 


Nice combo.  Let us see the finished product when it's done.

We got little sample paints (4 oz? maybe) and painted old boards with them.  Thank goodness we did that!  Otherwise our house would have looked like a child's playhouse with bright red and bright blue.  Cost us extra to have the paint samples mixed up in small quantities,  but it was well worth it.  Choosing paint is the pits, you're right, because the samples NEVER look like the real deal once it's on.

Before -


After -



It's beautiful Guilia.

I had to drive way past downtown LA to a stucco manufacturer 3 or 4 times to get the most beautiful sky blue for the wife who was dying of lung cancer.  


I like the colors you choose Dale, very much, in fact I love them!!!! and Giulia, I love what you choose also. Not very surprised.....I have found that most musicians have a knack for color selection. Its very beautiful and cozy looking G! Very country charming

I have a mural idea involves a guitar with greenery spilling out of it and around it  The colors would be natural wood tones from areas trees and same with greenery. could sketch it and maybe you could find someone to paint it? I dont do scaffolding anymore


I'll bet she was very happy with it, Dale.

Love your mural idea, Missy! 


Giulia‌, it gets better as I think on it. I can see the 3 crosses on the hill at calvary on top of guitar set on its side.....with greenery yet..... fading into a light sunset now I HAVE to paint this vision I am seeing.  I may even give do a reverse oil on glass. Of course, would have to hang it INSIDE, lol. But by golly, I think its a winner winner chicken dinner idea.  Love a good challenge!


Hope you'll share your painted vision with us before you send it off to Dale.


I may start sketching tomorrow, sounds fun  yes, I'll share


Actually, I should have said AFTER you send it off to Dale.  Otherwise it won't be a surprise for him.


That’s what I’m doing now Dale!  I have big news to share..... I’m in the process of buying my first home! That’s why I’ve kind of been MIA around here.  So, I have been racking my brain trying to pick paint colors. It’s so hard! 


G....your house is adorable!


Congrats, thats so awesome  kristen-9.7.15 ! Sherwin Williams (SW) has a beautiful clean gray I choose for most of our rooms. It goes with everything and out white woodwork. Its called Repose Gray.....I used SW 'Outerbanks' for hubby office, Cherry wood in the room. I have alot of great colors if you want any ideas ......Lambswool by Pratt-Lambert is another favorite.... I better get to bed, now though zzzzzzz


Oh boy, you're first home!  How exciting is THAT!!!!


This is very exciting, will love owning a home and making it uniquely yours. Congratulations!


That gray is pretty. I was thinking gray in the half bath.  The vanity/sink is sooooooo ugly! It this horrible blue and white swirl. It will have to stay for now but eventually will be changed out. And luckily my brother in law is a union painter so he is going to paint for me.  I’m afraid to get excited until I have those keys in my hand! My closing date is May 17.


well, it’s half a home....I’m buying a townhouse. Lol. 


 kristen-9.7.15   Here’s a pic of repose gray in our bath, it’s my favorite gray



Congratulations kristen-9.7.15‌ on your new home!  That really is exciting.

JonesCarpeDiem‌ I like the way the colors look, I had been wondering where you were, I was hoping that you were not having another ablation.  I am glad you are healthy...the inside of our house is still painted with the primer it came with.  I don't mind the color because it is kind of an eggshell but primer doesn't wipe off and I HATE that.  We have to paint but who WE are is debatable.


Look how cute your bathroom is!



 Love, love, love Repose Gray, and the whole pallet of that line!!  Painted my daughter's kitchen with it.

  And yep...bought many many samples before the decesion!


Love the colours Dale, and G. your place is beautiful.  Love the grey too, what a pretty bathroom!


These are the colors they chose.

I'm fine with them.

Next thing is landscaping. I'll post a picture of the front after that is complete.

There's some low cypress trees behind that big oak tree. Everything beyond that will be new. We'll keep the Hibiscus left of the garage door and the blooming purple stuff? on the hill. 



Very nice Dale...



Here's a before picture.

Before End Of House.jpg


i  just saw this this.   That's exciting.  Congrats



Looks Awesome Dale!




Looks great.  



About the Author
Hello, My name is Dale. I was quit 18 months before joining this site and had participated on another site during that time. I learned a lot there and brought it with me. I joined this site the first week of August 2008. I didn't pressure myself to quit. HOW I QUIT I didn't count, I didn't deny myself to get started. When I considered quitting (at a friends request to influence his brother to quit), I simply told myself to wait a little longer. No denial, nothing painful. After 4 weeks I was down to 5 cigarettes from a pack a day. The strength came from proving to myself, I didn't need to smoke because I normally would have smoked. Simple yes? I bought the patch. I forgot to put one on on the 4th day. I needed it the next day but the following week I forgot two days in a row I put one in my wallet with a promise to myself that I would slap it on and wait an hour rather than smoke. It rode in my wallet my first year.There's nothing keeping any of you from doing this. It doesn't cost a dime. This is about unlearning something you've done for a long time. The nicotine isn't the hard part. Disconnecting from the psychological pull, the memories and connected emotions is. :-) Time is the healer.