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Share your quitting journey

Tonight is it

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Tonight (just smoked my last one) I embark on my smoke free journey. As I sit here and type this I am feeling a little excited and scared at the same time. I have been a smoker for about 20 years and honestly I have tried to quit before with no success. I tried the patch, got a major rash from it. I tried the gum, thought I would puke my lungs up. Welbutrin didn't work, so I figure just do it and get educated and all the support possible to make it thru the storm.
6 Comentarios
Thank you and I wish you much success in your journey. I know it will be hard, but I truly believe anything worth doing is hard.
Just hang in there...that is what ive been telling myself for the past few days...its hard and quitting has taken over a lot of my life right now but it wont always be that way..Good luck with your journey!
It's not that hard. If you truly make your mind up that you are done with smoking, then you will be. If you think of it as punishment or as deprivation, you won't succeed. Allen Carr's book, "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" was a great attitude adjustment for me. Every stinking negative about quitting is turned into a positive. The hardest part of quitting is thinking about when and psyching yourself up for it. It is really not THAT necessary as we tend to make it bigger in our minds than it really is in reality. The quitting part is much easier once it is underway. The buildup to the quit is what sucks and is hard. Good luck. You can do this!
Honestly Darren, the thinking about the quitting was the most difficult and frightening. The actual quitting was much less fearful. That's not to say it's not difficult, it is! But its doable! You'll find that the longer you go without the cigarette, the longer you want to go without it!! It becomes a great accomplishment moment by moment and one that makes your heart swell up with pride because YOUR DOING IT. This does get easier with every craving you defeat! I suggest you educated yourself as much as possible. The Ex plan is great and it works for many, myself included. However, also go to This should be the bible to quitting. It's quite informative and full of information that will serve you well. Knowledge is power, right? Get your power here and you will do very well and be quite successful in this final quit! I have great faith that you can do this, and I hope you have the same great faith you can do it! Stay strong and let me know how your doing.
Ya know Darren, I smoked 13 years and tried everything also. I finally just up and quit and had to suffer through it like withdfrawling from any addiction. I had horrible physical and emotional reactions to withdrawls, but they do pass and it gets sooooo much easier. It will just take time. Keep yourself busy on here or anywhere you can distract yourself.

We've all been here and there are people on here that have smoked for so long and made. We all care and get the pain you're going through.

You can do it!
Hey Darren. First, congratulations on your decision! Just like yourself, today is my first day! I have tried to quit many times myself and they didn't work, but we just have to keep trying. I wish you the best of luck and just remember that it IS possible and we're all here to help you!
