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Tomorrow's the day...

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So, it's 9:30 pm. Tomorrow's my quit day. I've smoked off and on since I was 20. I turn 34 on Saturday. I'm a closet smoker- no one knows I still smoke except my husband. Our 2 sons have never even seen me with a cigarette. I've probably quit at least 15 times- some times for very long periods. I've used the patch, gum, and Chantix (dreams and happy feelings were great but getting off it was awful) in the past- but eventually always ended up having just one. This time I'm just quitting cold turkey. The other stuff still gave me the drug I needed.

I don't smoke a lot- no more than 6 a day (usually 4 or 5). But because I don't smoke a lot, I enjoy every cigarette I have. They are my anti-anxiety drug. I'm going to have to find something else to bring me to my "calm place". So far, I haven't been able to find that thing.

My husband is quitting with me- he's been a smoker for 20 years. We've tried to quit a couple of times, but always one of us breaks down and buys a pack. I can't do this without him... the good thing is he's more determined than I've ever seen him. Neither of us can break this time.

The thing I hate the most about being a nicotine addict (other than the obvious health reasons) is having to find a place to smoke where no one sees me. I have a lot of nieces and nephews and I'm a high school teacher; I don't want children seeing I smoke. I don't believe it's a good habit- nothing about it is good- and I don't want any little person or teenager to look at me and think for one second that smoking isn't that bad because they see me do it. When a craving overtakes me- I become debilated. I become irritable and not myself. I'm tired of smoking having such a hold on my emotions and state of being. Smoking really is my ball and chain. I love it and hate it. But I've never hated it enough.

Tomorrow's the day. I want it to be my last "try". I'm doing it. I'm quitting.


Tomorrow is my quit day too!  We can do this.  Keep focused on the reasons you need to quit, how personal it is to you, and the future.  We will be just fine one day at a time.


Nicotine actually induces anxiety  it is a stimulant it has no calming effect it just seems to calm you because you are craving --withdrawl--  when you feed the addiction it calms up on HWC's page he has all the web sites posted there and alot of good advice.I am happy that you as a role model being a teacher have chosen to take that job serious and quit for  little eyes watching and for yourself.Take up walking it is calming and good for the health and the soul...Just keep believing in yourself and you will win...Deb


You both can do it! It won't be easy but many things worth having are not.




I'm glad you here. Quiting smoking is the best decision you can make!

Onelasttime is right. nicotine is a stimulant. I also have anxiety issues. It seemed to get worse at first but is better now. Keep reading other blogs, it has help me a lot. Keep us posted on how your doing.

Best wishes.


Thanks everyone for your comments!

Deb- You know, I know nicotine is a stimulant- so the anxiety thing never made sense to me. I just knew how I felt. But knowing that I'm not calming my anxiety, only my craving, makes a lot of sense. I've gotten over cravings before- I know I can do that. I just didn't want to turn into a complete witch because I can't handle stress. Thanks for giving me a new way to look at this whole thing. It will help me today:)

Good luck keeptrying!

@Missi- Glad to hear the anxiety thing gets better...
