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Tomorrow is my quit day

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I've done great all week. I cut back to 4, then 3, then two days of 2 cigs. and today I've had 1. I've just been facing my cravings and telling myself no big deal.. they will be gone in a minute. Then I go do something and I forget about smoking. I slept restless last night, and when I smoked half a cig. this morn.,  I got very light headed. I used to smoke a pack to a pack and a half a day, so just this week has been a change. Already notice my hands & feet are warmer, throats not scratchy but do feel a nervous energy and very thirsty. I am scared for tomorrow. This last week wasn't bad because I knew I could have one if I really needed it, but tomorrow its -NO MORE! Its great reading everyones posts & getting encouragement. Thank you!


The first day is not as bad as most think it will be. That's due to all the anticipation. Good for you for all the prep work. Since you have been cutting down this should be easier than if you just went cold turkey from a pack a day. Sound logical to me!  Make sure to drink plenty of water. Plenty! When you get a crave drinking a bottle of water helps - it will be gone by the time you are done. Breathing exercises help. As do stretching exercises when the tension builds too much. Wishing you the best. Make sure to come here often to let us know how you are doing. You CAN do this!


Great advice from Maggie!!! One cigarette a day??? You are just about quit already!!!!! WAy to go! Drink cranberry juice if you can since it's acidic and helps rid your body of nicotine faster. We're here for you! 🙂



WOW, great job, cutting down to one a day. Good Luck tomorrow and come back here as often as you need.


well maggie said it so woohoo for u. already doin great ,congrats to u. and theres always someone here to help u if u need it.:)


Congrats - you can do this! Stay close - blog when you need to....


Congratulations on starting your quit! I know you can do this 🙂 It is very scary to let go of what used to be a constant companion so remember you have plenty of new ones here. Glad you are here. 


Don't be afraid - I felt that way too and then realized that I was thinking too much about it. I was like JUST DO IT! I'm on Day 3 - I have been sneezing alot this wknd. Drink a ton of water. Just realize this is a new beginning in your life. I keep saying to myself "You are an ex smoker"... repeat it to yourself and just keep moving forward. You'll do great! Keep coming to this site. It's been a breath of fresh air (literally!) for me.