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Share your quitting journey

Tomorrow is D- Day!

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Tomorrow will be the beginning of my journey towards becoming a non-smoker! I am terrified that I will not be able to make it through the day without smoking. However, I am trying to keep a positive attitude. I have told my friends and family so hopefully they will be a strong support group. I am trying the patch for the first time, because I know that I would most likely fail if I tried to do this cold turkey. I have very little will power haha...Anyways, I have heard that joining a forum will help me win the fight so I just wanted to throw it out there that tomorrow is the DAY I QUIT!! 

5 Comentarios

Congratulations on setting a quit date !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You can do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Stay positive !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hello and welcome to the site.  The place to hang out 24/7 is the blogs.  Forums are not well attended.  Come to the blogs, you can read and comment, you can write and seek advice or just vent.  Please stay close and accept the help that is available to you here.  Have you done the reading?  Check out and a book by Allen Carr - The Easyway to Quit Smoking.  You can absolutely do this, stay firm in your decision and know these early days are an investment in long term freedom!  Take very good care.  Regards, Lisa


You can do it.  Come here a lot, drink water, sing, dance when a crave hits hard, move, blog to us especially if you are about to smoke and wait for responses and people will respond...that's an important rule, follow the simple suggestions because they are actually tools.  Read, read, read, educate yourself.  Welcome to this community...great people here! 


Thank y'all!! I've been up for about three hours and so far it hasn't been too bad, I think overcoming the mental aspect of it will be the hardest part for me. I appreciate all of your positive comments!!!!!  


Good going ya got a date. You will never regret throwing them away. Just get the first day in and you will see it is not that bad. It don't hurt and you will not crawl out of your skin. Make a list of the reasons you want to quit and read it when it gets a little rough. Stay close to this site, support really helps. You are going to do just fine.