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Share your quitting journey

Todays the day!

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My quit date has arrived.  I am feeling pretty good about it.  I have had weeks to plan and prepare.  Smoked my last cigarette at 10pm last night.  Spent time with my family this past weekend who have all been smokers but quit years ago.  I want to be like them.  Today, I am!  🙂


CONGRATULATIONS and welcome to your NEW life!  You can do this, my friend, remember all of the tools in your kit, stay close by, blog if you feel threatened, craves WILL come but they will also GO.

So happy for you.



Good for you.

Remember, being uncomfortable is just that.

Don't blow it up,

We have to unlearn smoking to be free of it.


So excited you are joining us!


Congrats on  today. Start saying.... I am a non smoker.  Not one puff ever. NOPE and enjoy breathing


Bookend your days here.  You can do it.


Thanks everyone!  It makes it easier having you all here! 


Good Morning!

Try to remember that EVERYONE here has had a Day One and we all lived to tell the tale!

Remember to use your tools, and if you get stuck and think too much about smoking, blog "Help"  BEFORE you do and give us time to come to your rescue.  Have your water to sip, and your list of distractions handy at all times.

You can do this!



Stay busy.

Lot's of cold water.

Deep breaths and hold them for as long as you can.  Let them out slowly.

Remember all you've learned.  You will be uncomfortable.  Accept it.  Deal with it.

Determination.  You do not smoke anymore.  You will do the log roll down your driveway in your underwear before you will smoke a cigarette, and if you ever get that desparate you confess to yourself that you lied.  You're still not going to smoke.

Stay close to your fan base.  We're here to cheer you, keep you focused and distracted as necessary.

Ultimately, though, this is your quit.  Embrace it.  Love it.  Own it.

I'm looking forward to witnessing you succeed!


I am glad you are here! We have been where you are! This is doable, and you can do it!



I was where you are once before, and here I am again.  I did not come to ex and post Help to ex.  I just threw my emotional smoke tantrum.   I have learned my lesson.  And I can say for sure that NOPE is definitely that.   Not One Puff Ever.  Smoking is nothing, it is destructive and unforgiving.  Celebrate that you found this site, and continue to be willing and work for your quit.  


Thanks everyone!  Terri, thanks for being honest.  I really don't want to have to repeat this day!  I don't want to have another 1st day of quitting.  I have done some deep breathing.  i walked at lunch and it was brisk.  It felt good to feel that cold/clean air in my lungs.

Puff, you are too funny.  If i log roll down my drive in my underwear, i will be quickly admitted to the nearest mental ward and i don't think they let you smoke there.  Humm, so maybe that's an idea!!!!  LOL. NOT!

I have had some hard times today, that is for sure.  But i am going to keep pushing myself into the next day and then the next.....  My husband smokes, so it adds a little more challenge.  I try to go by Allen Carrs advise to pity smokers and not envy them.  That may not be for a while yet, but i know in time, it will happen and he will envy me because i will prove to him i am no longer a smoker and that is something we both want to be.  This is a very hard thing to do and i do hate that he does not have the will power i have to at least try.  Hopefully he will one day and my quitting could lead to his quitting which would make this an even better decision i have made to quit! 

Congrats to all of you that have gone so long and made it happen.  You are the ones i envy!  Happy smoke free day!

   1 Peter 3:1

"... even if some [husbands] do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives ..."