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Share your quitting journey

Today sounds like a good Me day!

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We're predicted in my little neck of the woods of western N.B to get between 40 and 45 cm or 15 to 17 inches of the white stuff between this afternoon and tomorrow morning but maybe we'll luck out again! We've been pretty fortunate this Winter, most of the storms have been veering South of us they'll be getting more rain again and we'll be seeing the snow and possibly ice pellets and some freezing rain but it's still March and Spring is coming, this snow won't last when the Sun comes it'll melt fairly quickly.... I wish each of you reading this a stressfree hasslefree nicotine free day! Life happens BUT relapsing isn't the answer EVER!









We really can do just about anything we put our minds to and quitting smoking AND or Vaping or dipping should be at the top of the list of things to do for our family, health plus our wallets but especially for our lives which is counting on us to nurture and protect the best gift that any of us will ever give ourselves which is the GIFT OF LIFE! Vigilance is key to Freedom! N.O.P.E ~ NOT ONE PUFF EVER WORKS WHEN APPLIED ON A DAILEY BASIS! THE CHOICE IS OURS!!! 

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Good Morning

OIYE that darn negative committee. It still tries  to take charge form time to time and be boss. Over the years I have learned it just takes too much energy to dwell in the negative. So I do not stay there long. Often times it is over stuff I have no business thinking about.

Predicitng 9.5 in here and Sunday telling everyone to stay home. With the sun this time of year it will all be gone come Wednesday.

Have a great smoke free day all


Me?   Heavy rain, again!  My yard is underwater, again!  I would rather have snow, I think!

But glad none of us is listening to the Negative Committee nor smoking over the weather!!



Great plan, a "me day" for Marilyn.  Enjoy.  I love watching it snow, beautiful.  Take care. 


@MarilynH Good morning.  Light rain on it's way out for the today.   Bought a new car yesterday so I had to initiate it with mud from Charlie this morning. 😊

Have a great me day.



Good morning from Foss, Oklahoma.  Never been here before, either.  Cold and chilly.  God willing we arrive back to my son's house in Arkansas today.  They are all sleeping.  Finally had to find a band aid afer all this time.  The 8 yr old smashed his finger and the kind people camped next to us gave us one.  You would think with 3 boys we would have needed one, before now.  

Not thinking of smoking.  Two years ago, I would have ducked out (they are still sleeping) and had several by now, whether I wanted them or not.  Saw the full moon last night and all the stars and smoking is not something that is part of my life anymore.  It still means alot to me that I'm not smoking.  No cravings, just the  realizations that allowing my body to heal has been a positive thing.  Never too old to quit or to take charge of your health.  Have a wonderful Saturday everyone.

Acerca del autor
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....