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Share your quitting journey

Today is my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY free from smoking. I did it. You can too.

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Yes it's true, no smoking for one year today.  Not only have I not smoked, I haven't had any nicotine in any form - the patch, gum, e-cigs, nasal spray, or whatever.  I've totally broken free and I'll never look back.  

I did it while married to a smoker, my wife.  I did it even though I have adult ADHD and I'm on adderall (which the ADHD alone makes it stastically twice as hard to quit, not to mention adderall which seemed to make me smoke even more).  I did it even though I perform in a rock band in smoke filled bars and venues.   I did it.

I used one cessation product which isn't for everyone.  I myself went the Chantix way.  I used it for 8 weeks even though the prescription suggests 12-weeks.  I think I could have quit at 4 weeks.  The only reason I got Chantix at all was because my wife smokes and I wanted to be able to resist the temptation when she smoked and I was around.  

The most important weapon that I had though, was my desire to quit.  I really wanted to quit smoking.  I didn't agree with myself giving my money to people who don't care about me at all, they just want me to pay them to provide me with my own slow (or possible fast) death.   I was basically constantly hiring a hit man to poison myself daily.  What sense does that make.  The fact that I didn't want to stop sucking this poison into my body really ticked me off.  This is addiction and I don't anything having that kind of control over me.  This kind of control is as strong a desire to my body as hunger is when I'm hungry.  This is not a natural desire like hunger though.   I didn't have this desire when I was a child.   I didn't ask for it nor did I understand what this feeling was like before I was addicted to nicotine.   No one can explain enough to a child who has never smoked or been addicted why an addict can't seem to quit.   It really amazing to see how this product ever stayed legal.  There are many things that are illegal which are much safer than this junk.  

I probably would have used this website much more in my own personal journey to this time, but I commented on the layout of this site being confusing to first time visitors and I was concerned that many probably leave before finding out how to benefit from it.  That comment sent a slew of defenders of the website at me and I no longer felt as welcome, but I still come back to visit occasionally as I will receive a private message from somoone who liked my post and agreed with me.  Instead, I used Facebook as my personal accountability and support.  I posted my weekly updates on myself throughout, occasionally missing a week or two from being busy, but I stayed with it and I found that while I'm posting reports to keep myself from smoking, other smokers were actually reading my posts and were inspired to attempt to quit themselves! 

Wow!  That felt better than anything I had felt in a long time.  In my own journey, I now had purpose to help others.   I know that many people on this website inspire others here too and know that feeling and I don't want to ever say that websites like this aren't important.   To the contrary, they save lives every day.   I was just giving out constructive criticism for the owners of the website and here's one more for you.  If the blogs are where everyone hangs out and posts stuff, you need to state that on the first page in a very easy to find area.   It is not stated clearly on the main page.  You do state to go to The Community, but after that people can get lost if they don't click the right places and read about it.   If the blogs are where to go to, put a button to go to the blog on the home page directly.  If that is bad advice, then criticize me.   I'm just trying to help you guys save more lives.  If that's a problem, please help me understand why.  

In conclusion, if you're new to this site, KEEP USING IT!  Nothing is more important than quitting and if you need support, the people are here.  Don't let me or anyone else discourage you as I didn't let people who criticized me stop me from my goal.  I didn't use it as an excuse to get mad and smoke again. You have the same power as anyone else here that quit.  Use your own power, make it happen for you.  If you need my help at all, I'm here for you.  Just message me.  I'm going out to celebrate tonight.  I accomplished THE task of tasks.   I deserve it.  You will too.

17 Comentarios

Have a wonderful time tonight.  You EARNED it!  Congratulations!



P.S.  Just want to add a quick word of warning about drinking during your celebration.  I would recommend that you limit yourself to 1-2 drinks.  You really won't know the point at which an alcohol influenced brain might convince you that "just one won't hurt"  until it's too late.  'Cause it WILL hurt!






Youngatheart, thank you for your advice!  I've got that part covered.  I'm in a rock band and I get drinks bought for me a lot and know the dangers quite well.  I've never succumbed to the poison sticks.  I was too ready this time around.  I've made the mistakes in the past with "just one won't hurt" after months of success.  I also have been preaching that on my facebook posts so that is awesome advice for anyone reading this out there thinking they're safe from the nicotine trap.  Never give in.

Thank you too Nancy and Athena.

techierocker just now







great job.

sorry the forums were inactive when you first came. i'v e been here since 2008 and the blogs were always where the activity was people do go to new members pages now and direct them to the blogs.

you received a lot of good responses on the one blog you did write.


Congratulations on your 1 year milestone that's fantastic, way to go. 



Yahoo !!! Congratulations !


You are now officially a member of the 6% Club! 


I like the fact that no obstacle stood in your way!

Keep rocking your Quit and your Quititude!


Congrats on one year!!


Big CONGRATULATIONS.  You did it!!  Have a wonderful evening.  You certainly deserve it.  What an accomplishment.  Stay safe.


Congratulations on one year. You have earned a celebration


keep calm and carry on




Congratulations on a year!!! What a wonderful accomplishment, made even more so by all the obstacles that stood in your way that you crawled over or busted through!!! Very awesome and inspiring!

I am sad that you weren't here very much, because you could have moved a lot of people here, too! I hope you won't be a stranger!


Thank you everyone.


Awesome congrats on a year 


Congratulations great job! Welcome to the 6% club!