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Today is my 30th Day

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Hello Everyone,

By the end of the day today, I will have 30 days of freedom again. I know my previous blog expressed my rough couple of days and after getting such great feedback from friends here and just retrospect,,going back and reading my old blogs.

First of all, let me just say,,and I have to refer to relapsing again,,I know, but it's there and I need to address this.

About who Makes The Rules ( from Jonescarp) Well, here's what I just told my sister on the phone. Our addiction dictates that , and the relapse and why our quit days gets wiped out when we relapse.

My junkie mind thinks I can get back that great feeling,,and I do know it because I experienced it and I even re read that feeling in my 3 - 7 months of my last quit. I thought I would feel that way again in no time at all. Nope,,uh uh,,,it don't work like that. When you mess up,,you start right at zero again! No one made this rule,,our addiction, our bodies and our minds is the only thing that dictates it and it's a known fact, by me now,,I'd laugh here, but it's not really funny.  I know for a fact that my past couple rough days are because I was expecting myself to "feel" like that non smoking person I was before at this point. My patience is not very good these days and my junkie mind started going haywire. It was a snowball effect and it just makes it all worse and worse. Anyhow, I want to blog all this so I will never ever forget this horrible struggle that I brought upon myself. Also, I spent quite a bitof time here the past couple days,as this place really helps when I hit the rough spots. I started reading a little too much ,,lol,,almost feeling like some things were meant towards me indirectly,,maybe they are , but whatever. I need to work on my quit here and stay focused on that reason alone. Thank goodness for great people here. One friend (Debi) gave me such perfect advice and I have to share what she said,,

"We all come here to quit and each of us is different. We are each responsible for our own quit,,no one else. When we come here, it is to get support and give support. Some blogs can help us while others may not. We just have to learn to take what we need and leave the rest"

So, if anyone's sensitivities are running on the high side,,and that can be any one of us when we're having one of them days,,remember those words. Take only what you need,,anything else, just let it go, and remember why you're here first and foremost!

God, I love that!

I had such a beautiful day today! I feel so much better and Thanks to all of you for that!

I hope Everyone has a Peace Filled Weekend!

Keep Kicking Them Butts! N.O.P.E.

I pledge to not take one puff today! (join me)





I will pledge not to take one puff today! 

Congratulations on 30 days! 




Hugs to you too Diane.  I too pledge not to take one puff - today and every day! NOPE NOPE NOPE! Congrats on 30 days.



I try not to direct my blogs toward any one person.

i just hope what i say will ring true with everyone at one time or another and they make it through


Congratulations Dear Diane, You are so very inspiring!  I'll pledge with you not to take one puff today.  Hugs!

Geez, I was reading about your turmoil over the relapse.  I was  trying to identify when I lost my quit of 10 years,

I give you oodles of credit Diane cause you got right back up. 

It took me 2 years to wise up and God knows what damage I had done in those 2 years, but today,

just for today, I am so grateful to be smoke free. 

Peace, Blessings and Hugs, mixed with Lots of Smiles. 🙂

Congratulations on your milestone!


Congrats on your 30 days smoke free!  Enjoyed reading your blog.


    Diane.. wow, 30 days a month i told u that u was stronger then u thought :)) congrats my friend. keep on goin strong. rem, were in it to win it woohooo :))) glad u had a great day :)) enjoy the rest of it. luv/hugs,Joanne

stay strong and smoke free..born to be solid as a rock. lol 🙂


30 Days!  🙂


Congratulations!  Here's hoping that this 30 are the first of many!


Congrats & keep it up!   Tammy


I'm right there with you, N.O.P.E! Congrats on your 30 days, stay strong and have a great smoke free weekend 🙂


horray!!  on your 30 days ...  im right behind you girl...your  leading  the way...


I pledge not to smoke today. Big bear hugs to you today on your 30th day. I am so proud of you!!!!!!

Enjoy and keep saying nope.

Love ya, Kat


WTG Diane one month no smoke....  stay focused for month two

It is your battle, we just help  and you are winning..... 


Hi Diane. Just now saw this.  Sorry I am late. Congrats on your 30 days I don't think it's too late for a party. Wow


This calls for cake.  It tastes better smokefree too.


Diane - Happy 30 days!! Loved the blog - thanks for sharing the quote from Debi! Take care!


Hi Diane, your blog was VERY inspiring! I hope it will stop just one person from relapsing! I agree with what Debi told you; take the advice that fits and leave the rest. This is YOUR quit!

(((BIG HUGS)))


I am so happy for you! Look what you've accomplished! I hope you give yourself an awesome reward!


Wow, Thank you Diane,,,,,  I hope you know you are inspiring -- telling us like it is and what you are going through!!

I give you so much credit for getting right back with your quit and coming here.  It would not be easy and your blog reminds us

what a relapse might be like for any of us. 

Celebrate your milestone -- a big reward is in order!!!!


Diane You Butt=Kicker YOU! LOL.. Way to go.  Congrats on your 30 days, I'm so happy for you.  I'm glad you're in a better space today.  WHOOOOO HOOOOO, you are doing the darn thing!!! See your inspiration is contagious:) Congrats Again!


Way To Go, Diane!!! I'm so Proud of You!!! You are One Rockin' Butt-Kicker!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! 


Belated congrats (sorry was out of town and w/o internet all weekend).  Ya HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO on one month!


Diane, I only just noticed this blog. I somehow noticed it. So, late as it is - way to go with passing that 30 day mark. This is such a cunning addiction and I am so proud of you for coming right back. Sharing this is so helpful to me. I am so so glad to be getting to know you.