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Today is THEE day

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So I've been awake and a non-smoker for almost 2 hours now 😉 they weren't kidding about the severity of thinking a about cigs, I usually wouldn't have even smoked my first cig yet but am sure thinking of it a lot. I've got my patch on, water bottle at the ready, ashtrays all gone with suckers in their place. I feel like I've prepared for this but to be honest I actually cried last night while breaking up and throwing my cigs in the trash. Honestly feel most scared of failure. 


Great job Marley!! Sounds like you physically prepared very well for it, now you just have to do the same thing mentally and dont make failure an option. Just keep repeating to yourself that you're done with this nasty,stinky addiction and see today as the beginning of the new you and your new healthier life, you should celebrate today!

Remember that you're not giving up anything, you're gaining everything. YOU CAN DO THIS!



Congratulations......welcome to your new life.....the best is yet to come!!

So many people are afraid of failure.....use that fear to prevent yourself from lighting up....

What helps me--is to read as many blogs as I can.....there is so much information hidden in them.....and write blogs active here is what I'm suggesting....

You are ending a relationship....that's hard....but keep in mind that this was a toxic where nicotine was planning on taking all of you, and giving you nothing in glad you are getting away from it....You deserve better!!!!!


Drink lots of water.  When a crave hits, do slow deep breathing, get up and walk around, turn the music loud and sing.  You are giving up nothing. You are actually rewarding your lungs.  Come here often and read and blog and let us know how we can help.  I have been where you are and am now at day 202 and it is awesome being smoke free!


Hi Marley, I just wanted to offer some support to you today. I know what you mean about the crying...I went through a lot of cleansing emotions during the beginning phases of quitting cigarettes. Allow yourself some time to adjust, be gentle and kind to yourself and reward yourself with wonderful healthy things (smoking is not a reward anyway, right?). I just wanted to wish you all the best and make sure you blog and ask for help here if you are having a craving that feels like its too much. You really CAN do this!♥


Congratulations on your decision to quit.  It is the RIGHT one!

Hang in there!  The first 3-4 days are the most uncomfortable.  The most difficult time is the first 2-3 weeks.  It gets easier, even within those times.  Just don't let that "want" rattle around in your head.  YOU take control and tell yourself (over and over, if necessary), "I don't DO that anymore."  Then get started doing something to distract yourself.  Don't sit around and argue about it!

You CAN do this!



Marley, you just got "divorced" from an extremely destructive "marriage" that lasted for years and years. You better believe it's an emotional day! You go ahead and feel whatever it is you need to feel today, so long as you do not smoke because of it. And tomorrow, you do it again, just with less anxiety, and more pride and determination.



Thank you all! Omg even my hubby knows I'm emotional but was surprised when I cried throwing them away. He is a smoker and has said he is quitting with me, but will not listen to all I've learned and has sworn off anything but cold turkey. I am super excited just trying to not get ovwewhelmed, all of your words and support are sooooo appreciated. Believe me I love my hubby and support him but right now Inhave to deal with me and this battle. I love the perception change idea, cigs are not a reward.  Honestly have good family support, have a mom and sister who are ex-smokers. Friends worry me, they all smoke but I hope to be an inspiration to them to quit too 🙂



I left your EX, Nic O Demon laying out here in the desert with some major Whoop-A$$ laid on him.

Stay with us. You can do this.

Larry the Caravan Master


Half way through day 1! Have had a very rough day emotionally, have a lot of outside stressors, WAY more than normal. But I do know giving in won't make what happens any better and then I will have my guilt to deal with as well. Wish it was warmer here today so I could get out for a walk and clear my head but am thankful for this out let.  writing is very therapeutic to me. Made my first trip in car earlier (huge trigger) with success and less cravings than expected. Last evening I cleaned it, removed ashtray and all other related smoking items as well as spraying with a lot of febreeze. Felt good to have been prepared, all thanks to this site and wonderful Ex-smokers 🙂


Congrats on your QUIT Day!!!  Just think how you will feel when you wake up in the morning realizing you made it through the 1st day with out a sick-a-rette.  Continue to blog....its helps!!