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Share your quitting journey

Today has been a rough day

4 12 179

It took me a few hours today to realize that I was fixating. I wasn't having an obvious craving, but my brain was running through the playbook of excuses.... Every. Single. One. And then, my inner junkie was genuinely sad that there is not, and will never be a valid excuse to smoke. By that point I was just trying to observe my thoughts. It kept going though, and I realized I needed to nip it in the bud before I started playing the analytical game with myself. So I made it past that, and then, my husband has decided to switch to dip, so we took our roller and stuff to my father in law... I had no idea that just walking into their house was such a big trigger. I had to keep reminding myself "I don't do that anymore".

I had a long day, but I don't want to go back to where I was. I can barely stand the smell on my husband, I have no idea how my kids have dealt with it, even from random people in public. I have taken the stuff out of butts and rolled it and rerolled it until there was nothing left. I chain-smoked all day long until I had a migraine. Used to wake up panicking in the morning because phlegm was covering my airway. My life was scheduled around cigarettes. I was tired of being a miserable person in general, and researched for years how to change my personality. It turns out, all I had to do was stop smoking..... I am not going back to that.

12 Comentarios

Did you use your tools?  You can never win an argument with yourself about smoking - so just don't have one.  Change your mind's direction.  Think about and do something ELSE.  This takes some effort in the early days, but it WILL get easier to do.

Glad you made it through today.  Celebrate another Day WON!



Thank you. By the time I figured out what was going on, all I could think to do was go sit outside and refocus. When I was a smoker, one of the reasons I didn't do it outside was because I knew I didn't like to and I wanted to use it to my advantage when I did quit, so I always tried not to make outside a trigger. I understand now that one day at a time is especially important in the early days because you have to almost constantly keep your mind on other things. That becomes exhausting, lol. Especially since you have so much more idle time. I don't get to do too many mind engaging things with a daredevil toddler.


Your doing great! Keep at will win this!


You are right one day at a time is all you can do.  If you have to break it down to hours or minutes.  Do whatever works. 


Good job getting through a rough day. It is one day at a time at first but will get better.your freedom is worth it. Not having to schedule your life around cigarettes is much better than life as a smoker.


Buy some bubble juice and next time you go sit outside...blow bubbles and watch them float around and is a great way to practice breath control AND to keep your mind off of smoking.  Don't fight it...let the craves come and go...they WILL go.   When you have a time that you realize you are obsessing about smoking, think about getting down on your knees and asking God to remove the mental obsession.  My husband, a recovering alcoholic, told me to do that and I was not feeling very positive about it but I DID it and it really DID help.  I will admit that I had to do it more than once BUT those craves, that obsession eventually went away.  No crave ever killed one can say that about smoking.



You made it through the day, so fabulous!!!  Just think of all the time you can get down on the floor and play with your 2 year old.



Glad you caught yourself fixating before you took a nose dive.   It's so easy to find ourselves in cigarette-thinking mode.  But the more practice we have at catching ourselves and the more experience with changing focus, the easier becomes.  Stay the course!


Oh wow, the statement you made "my life was scheduled around cigarettes"  Oh how that hit home for me!  My life truly was scheduled around smoking and I realize in your statement how much of my life was wasted now!  Never again!  I will never give anymore of my time to such a killer!  Wow, thanks for your blog, even at 311 days free, I still need to hear all about everyone else's experience and relate!  Way to fight it Court09‌ !  You little one needs you for a long time to come!  Be free of this addiction, and they will never know you as an addict to nicotine!   Rock on! 


It was definitely disturbing for me to realize I spent about 3 hours a day sitting around, smoking. Even more disturbing was that I had been a smoker for 20 years, and chain smoked for at least 11. My older kids have watched me struggle to quit for a few years now, and I am just so glad to be free. It's like waking up from a nightmare.


Wonderfully told. Thanks for sharing about your path out.


I'm so glad you're here Court09‌  You will win this fight!  I can hear it in you!

Acerca del autor
Omg I've been a smoker for 20 years? I never thought about it until I was just about to say it. That's sad... Well anyway, I have made many attempts to quit over the last 5 years while studying the psychology of smoking, and trying to figure the nature of my own addiction. As of this typing, I am currently approaching a quit day, and if I have anything to say about it, it will be my last. I am fast approaching the secret I have been missing to quitting.