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Tired from the time change.  Had a busy day yesterday, but today find myself romancing smoking.  I've got to get out of that frame of mind.  It doesn't lead anywhere good.  A family member gave me a bunch of books she is done with.  Maybe I will read for a while. 

Hey Junior! Goodness I know what you mean. The time change has hit me too. I'm yawning and yawning! Fighting the urge to just lay down and nap! Gotta bowl tonight and I'm afraid I will sleep thru it even with alarm! Funny it's only one hour! Anyway yes fatigue leads to no good thing (except sleep). Its easy to start romancing the cig when we are drained and energy depleted. That ol nicotine was a kick, a stimulant so naturally we "miss" it. We have to learn healthy alternatives. I'm still leaning toward that nap!!! Stay strong my friend. You are doing this and tomorrow will be better! 🙂

I am leaning in the direction of a nap as well.  The fact that it is only an hour does not seem to be absorbing into my brain.


The time change has got me all screwed up too, please get through these roller coaster ups and downs and stay busy if you can. You don't smoke anymore my friend, you know you will regret it big time so please don't slip no matter what. You are sooooooo much stronger than you realize so stay occupied and maybe take Milo for extra walks,I am sure that he would enjoy that. 



I didn't sleep the first two nights after the time change., either.  Last night I tried staying up an hour later so my body thought it was going to bed the usual time, and stayed in bed an hour later and that seemed to work for me.

Sorry if you have to get up for work 'cause that won't work unless you can get permission for a couple of days to come in a bit late?

You also might try adding some exercise to your day.  That ALWAYS makes me feel better!

Whatever you do - don't smoke.  Maybe some chocolate?



Oh my chocolate over smoking any day of the week...


Books are my favorite escape from the 'romancing' of cigarettes - I blogged about this just a day or 2 ago!  What a wonderful treat to have some books to lose yourself in while you take deep, clean breaths and reset your thinking.  Smoking is something you don't do anymore, but sometimes you gotta distract yourself when you forget 🙂


may be you can read and than get some rest, take care.