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Tips to Keep You Healthy and take Your Mind off the Cravings:

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Yes, i do follow these tips focusing on healthy habits you can take your mind off the craving and it will soon disappear!  Try at least 3 of these great healthy tips everyday:

(1)  Always eat a healthy breakfast-  Do Not skip breakfast!  If you are like me, you might get a craving first thing in the morning, so instead make a healthy breakfast for yourself.

(2)  Eat more starchy foods (not Potatoes) Example: eat wheat, oats, barley, rye and corn

(3)  Eat more fruits and veggies.

(4)  Drink plenty of water.

(5)  Eat more monounsaturated fatty acids.  Examples:  Vegetable oils such as canola, olive,flaxseed, & safflower seed.  Nuts & seeds (not peanuts).  Olives and avocados.

(6)  Eat more fish. (aat least 2 times a week)

(7)  Reduce saturated fats & sugars.

(8)  Consume less salt.

(9)  Balance your weight-  do you need to gain weight or lose it?  Get your doctor to help you.

(10)  Eat 3 Superfoods a day.  Examples:  Soy, leafy greens, garlic, wheatgrass juice, mushrooms, flaxseed oil, green tea, seaweed, blueberries and almonds.

I do most of these things everyday when i eat my meals.  I noticed that when i focused on what i am eating and drinking, i am less tempted to think about smoking because i am more focused on being healthy, and smoking is not an option when you are watching out for your health!  Sometimes when i get a craving, i go and get a big glass of ice water and drink that- i don't focus on the craving, i just go and distract myself with something healthier.  I hope these tips help, Friends.  These tips are from my notes on a book called 100 ways to stay young.  It is focused on health, nutrition, and exercise, and emotional health too.  I just wanted to share my notes with you all,

Have a nice evening,

Love, Lisa


great tips Lisa thanks


Thanks Lisa i do find that when i eat healthier, exeresize ect. smoking just doesn't go with that plan, also keep  the extra pounds off that are easy to add when not smoking. i just bought some fish today too .


Thanks for sharing, Lisa! Keep up the good work.


Thanks Lisa, I think there's a snowball effect. Once you start doing healthy things, you want to do more! That's how it was for me. Sadly, my addiction convinced me to save quitting cigarettes for last! At least I'm done now!


Thanks Lisa, I think there's a snowball effect. Once you start doing healthy things, you want to do more! That's how it was for me. Sadly, my addiction convinced me to save quitting cigarettes for last! At least I'm done now!


great advice!! Thanks for sharing


Lisa, you read my mind when you wrote this.  I definitely have put on too many pounds since quitting.  Now it's time to start taking them off.  I'll start by eating breakfast in the a.m.


Thank you Lisa...♥


hanks for sharing


Your welcome, everyone!  Have a goodnight, Friends!  🙂


Thanks for sharing.  After working at quitting for a year  (I'm not saying "trying to quit" and see if that helps) I've gained weight and so now I'm working on eating healthier and exercise.  I like what you posted even if I don't know why to eat all of those things!


Sorry, Angele, i forgot to list the reasons why to eat all that stuff....Eating the fish help you get the omega-3 fatty acids which are good for your skin and your heart;  the monounsaturated fatty acids are to help you get the positive fats into your body and that will help your heart and help you lose extra pounds;  and drinking lots of water is key because your lungs, your brain, and your digestive systems depend on the water to function normally.  Eating less salt is good for all of us because it will keep our blood pressure at a more normal range.  

I am nnot a doctor, Friends, but i am a good patient who has studied nutrition and exercise and health for many years (since middle school).  I have often wanted to go to school to be a Nutritionist.  

Maybe all these notes i have posted will trigger a natural curiousity in all of us to study and look deeper into our health and nutrition -  for me, all the studying is fun and like a hobby that if i learn and practice it enough, i will be more healthy.  Just go to the library and have fun searching into the health literature;  you won't regret it!


Great tips 🙂