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Share your quitting journey


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I haven't been on here in a very long time. I found it difficult to hold onto my quit reading about not smoking everyday. I have been free from cigs for over a year and a half now so maybe my two cents can help someone out there. I didn't count my days and I still don't.  In the beginning that was more stress for me. I basically took my quit hour by hour. When I felt more in control I went day by day. It is still a struggle at times but it's just day by day. Ultimately it is a choice, your choice. You can smoke or you can quit. It was hard to learn how to smoke and it will be hard to learn to quit. If you were a quitter you would be here now. In the beginning you choked, felt dizzy, got nauseated but you pushed through to become a smoker. Now you must want to be a non-smoker just as bad as you wanted to be a smoker. You will feel bad at times, your brain will lie and convince you how easy it is to go back but ultimately it is YOUR choice how you handle it. If you're on this site you made a choice for whatever your reasons were. Keep those reasons in front of your journey as the test will change, the journey will be long but your reasons are legitimate.  Good luck and stay the course, it does get better but it will be earned.


I know many people who don't count their days and I know some who couldn't be here every day because it reminded them of what they thought they were missing.  Everyone is different and each quit is different.  So thank you for sharing your journey so others may create theirs

Congratulations on quitting and way to go for holding your own!!  You have earned your quit and you so deserve it.  Well done!



Thank all of you for being here and helping so many. I'm just now strong enough to come back and try to give back. Everyone here played a big part in my quit. 


Glad you're giving back   You write well and have some good stuff to say!!


I'm glad you came back to share your story.  Those of us who hang around and give advice know only what worked for us and for others who have posted their stories.

I will learn from yours as I am sure will others.

Thank you for posting it and congratulations on a year PLUS!



Congratulations on your super quit...Mommamich I am so happy you came here and told us you are still quit.  I admire your honesty about your journey.  Keep it safe and be well during this time...but most of all, be proud...~ Colleen 497 DOF 


Congratulations on your year and 1/2 quit.

Thank you for coming back to share with us


CONGRATULATIONS on your precious quit journey YAY for Smokefree living and YAY for each and every Day WON it's wonderful to have you back with all of us your friends and Fellow EXers.....


 a year and half DAYS of FREEDOM - GOOD JOB


Congrats on 1 1/2 years smoke free.   Thanks for sharing your experience with others.   Even though our stories vary, those stories help to motivate others with their quit.


About the Author
I am nearing 60 years old and have worked me entire life. Now being retired have found smoking to be more of a hassle and I worry about my health. Would love to go back to work, find retirement a bit boring.