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Share your quitting journey

Time to change

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November 15th 2020

  I have set my quit date for November  29th 2020.That will be the day after thanksgiving. My goal will to be smoke free in total by christmas 2020. The major reasons for me to quit are 1.) My little boy, his name is Finn and he just turned 6 months old. I do not want hi. To remember me as a smoker.2.) Finances, it is very expensive and it makes me feel selfish spending the money on them because I am struggling to provide everything else needed. 3) my health, my family has a history of lung cancer and I do not want to be taken from my sone at a you g age because of my own stupidity.


Welcome.  With this site and your determination you WILL succeed!

Community Manager
Community Manager


I see you mentioned 11/29/20 but we're still in 2019 and your quit date is set for 11/29/19.  I'm hoping the quite you set is what you're striving for and not waiting a whole year to quit.  This community is here to help you in your quit journey.


EX Community Manager


Welcome to the site! I highly recommend the book by Allen Carr - The Easy Way to Quit Smoking. Plus be sure to hang out here and read lots of blogs. You are in a great place for support - congrats on deciding to quit! I bet that if you do the reading - you will be set to quit for good on Nov. 29th....without waiting until December! 


All wonderful, motivating reasons to end your slavery.  But don't think you're stupid for becoming hooked on this thing  Nicotine is a powerful drug.  We fail to overcome it at times, not because we're stupid, but because it's an addiction.  However, education DOES help to set us free.  So keep reading and keep aiming for that Best of You.  It will never stop niggling at your brain, so you might as well, right?!  And keep a smile about you.  It'll help.  Chin up and have heart!


Welcome to EX!  This is a great community and we are all about support to help you quit.  I read the same way Mark did on your quit being Nov 2020, hoping that was a typo.  Tell yourself you CAN do this!! Read everything you can to learn about this addiction and how to beat it.  It takes a lot of determination, but I know you can do it.  Set your mind and determination to this quit and you will.


CONGRATS GOOD JOB LOVING YOU - WAY TO GO - Yahoooooooooo - gentle hug


Love the name Finn, darling. I am glad you're here. Your giving yourself and Finn a very precious gift. Take this time before you quit and educate yourself here. I recommend Alan Carrs book, THE EASYWAY TO QUIT SMOKING. Fast/short read and it saved my life. Welcome to Ex!


Thank you all for the support, and yes it was a typo, quit date is November 29th 2019


Hi and Welcome to Ex’s Chelseyf317 

I am so happy you found our site.  I like your reasons to quit and that you have a quit date...may I suggest, you read at My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX there it will help you to prepare for your Quit day like no other...Be sure to rid all smoking paraphernalia the night before your quit.  Come to the support site often to get help and/or to encourage others on their journey.  Be sure to drink lots of water and keep is a list to help get you started /blogs/Maggie_quit_8-1-2010-blog/2012/03/19/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoking?sr=search&searchId=d... We are here for you...we are all in this journey together...~ Colleen 348 DOF ~


Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit.  Look forward to celebrating with you on the 29th.
