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Tick, tick tick ..... KABOOM!!!!!

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For some reason, the smell of smoke just does something to me now.  What it does is just not good. Infact, it pisses me off.   I explained that to my husband 3 days ago however he disregarded my feelings and continued to smoke around me.  Well, today I really let him have it. I went KABOOM! I told him I no longer want him to smoke around me.  I told him that I can understand him smoking in the bathroom but all other areas of the house are off limits. 

Of course he didn't like it that things are starting to change and we commenced to arguing.  He went outside for a bit and I guess did some thinking and we talked when he came back in.  He said "I guess that means you are really through with smoking".  He agreed that he could restrict his smoking to the bathroom.

So, that is that! I guess it had to be done. We all are afraid of change and resist it, its just human nature. The world is always changing around us and we can grow and change with it or rage against the storm which gets you nowhere. 

Have a beautiful smoke free day (((HUGS)))  


You are nicer than I would have been Steph. We have had a NO SMOKING INSIDE rule in our house for 15 years. And we live in Minnesota! 🙂


Laurie, I wouldn't have been very nice about it either! 

Steph, you have such a lovely attitude about life.  I found it very encouraging reading your comments.  I quit three days ago.  Admit that I had ONE cigarette yesterday, but only one.  Unfortunately, I'm already feeling short of breath and probably already have "issues" with my lungs.  But I'm focusing on quitting and losing about 50 pounds. 

I hope I can figure out how to get back here to read your posts. 


Smoking in the bathroom is not going to anything but trigger you soon or later, yu need to not have him smoke in the house at but be a little nicer about it . You how had it was for so you can't expect him to go alone willingly so think of something that would peak his intrest so he want get mad and keep the peace.


Ahhh Steph,  It has to be very difficult for you to have him smoking in the house at all, and I give you tons of credit for holding your temper, and dealing with the bathroom.    I agree with Rose; perhaps you two can find some happy medium, before it starts to really get to you.   Take care... ( HUGGS)!!!

Stephanie - you won a battle...hopefully someday he will realize that he needs to go outside...or thinking positively - he will see the fantastic example you set - and quit too!! Congrats on your quit!

Hello Stephanie,

On a good note, at least the smell of smoke is grossing you out making it hopefully a bit easier for you to resist!

Unfortunately for me they still smell delicious!

 Luckily my guy and I never smoked inside the house.

HUGS to you, too! We can do this!!!!


You go girl!!!  My b/f used to smoke in his apartment.  After a little while of being quit, I refused to go there.  It didn't take long for him to realize I meant business.  He smokes outside now.  And he washed curtains/rugs/all of it, coz I don't like visiting in an ashtray.  I can still smell it, but I appreciate the effort a lot.


Alright Stephanie, you got a backbone instead of a wishbone.  It is amazing how people we love and who smoke are secretly trying to sabotage your quit.  I think your husband now knows you are dead serious about your quit and has "seen the light".  You are so right about the change aspect, we are all afraid of change and I believe you handled that beautifully! Kick butts and don't take names!


I'm glad you are restricting indoor smoking. It's not healthy to have that second-hand smoke in the atmosphere(not to mention the smell). I haven't smoked in the house since 1984. Of cousrse, I live in San Francisco , where smoke free areas began earlier than other parts of the country. It's awesome you've been smoke-free all this time. take care.


Your husband understood (after thinking it over) that you did not blow him up! You blew up the last remnants of the nicodemon! He is now thinking! What a woman! Maybe I can do that too!


I am so glad my husband quit with me. I don't know that I could be as strong as you are, staying quit while living with a smoker must be really difficult.. Hopefully your husband will soon decide to smoke outside or even better to quit.


Stephanie,  I applaud you.  Tell him what you think just dont hurt him!  LOL    You have a great quit going and showing some moxie about protecting it!!    Have a great one!!  George


Stephanie, I'm really proud of you for protecting your quit and for standing up for yourself.

I agree with the others that ideally, he should smoke outside. Whenever possible. But if you're like Laurie and living in the tundra, then going outside is more difficult.

As the smoker, still, however - he should show you the courtesty and respect for you having quit by not putting smoke in your face. Under any conditions!

Congrats for staying quit under such difficult circumstances, honey.....


I agree with everyone, you're doing a great job protecting your quit!!!

I must admit, if I were in your shoes, there is no way I would allow anyone to smoke in my house, even my husband. I don't care how cold it is. Put on a coat and a hat.

Whether intentional or not, it's disrespectful of you and your quit and it could potentially sabotage your hard work. It's difficult enough to quit without someone doing it in your house!!! 🙂

Keep up your good work! You can do it!