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Share your quitting journey

Three Months

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Well - here I am at three months. I remember how I felt on that first day - June 12th - and it is amazing at the difference now! I feel great - despite some challenges going on in my life right now. That is what is so odd - I probably have more stress right now than in many years.

I just read a few blogs which reminded me of the fact that I have determined that smoking does not help with the stress. Both Steve (his wife reminded him that he was letting his emotions control his decision to stay quit) and Bill - who called smoking a "distraction" rather than a stress release. Those moments of stress come....and for me, after 40 years of dealing with that with a cigarette - it is quite a learning process to "deal" in new ways.

In one of my first blogs, I mentioned an experiment I did on my last day of smoking. Each time I smoked - whether it was out of stress, boredom, frustration, etc.....I asked myself - "Okay, is the stress gone - is the frustration gone?" Each time the answer was no. I remember those thoughts any time I come close to thinking about won't make a difference! As a matter of fact, I believe that it led to a lot of the feelings of stress in the first place!

Some of my new challenges include two new part-time jobs. I am teaching part-time and managing a tutoring company. Both are proving to perhaps be a bit more than I realized! That, along with having my sister and her boyfriend move into my house due to financial issues (they both smoke!), and dealing with caring for my elderly father......however, none of that has beat me!!

Due to the new jobs, I haven't been on here as much as before - and it may be even less in the future. However, I want to thank all of you for your support!! That has made all the difference! I will continue to come here as often as I can......



Hi Strudel, Yeah I almost let stress get the best of me yesterday. I think we can't let are guard down for a second and keep are defences strong.

 After 48 days I sure don't want to start over.

Take care and we will lok forward to hearing from you.

Steve B

Big Congrats and Hugs to you for Your 3 Month Quit! (((((Yay)))))

Boy, you've got a lot on your plate right now!  Congratulations on three months quit and for staying so positive through these recent challenges!  I think that's absolutely key.  Knowing that smoking won't do anything to help a stressful or frustrating situation AND having the faith in yourself to deal with it in another, more positive way.  Good for you!!



I always knew you would make it---a positive attitude wins every time!!!


You are doing an excellent job and I personally think because you DECIDED to. You are now only days from what some of us call the "saftey" zone, about 120 days, some believe you're  finally at a place you hardly think of them. I so hope this is true for you my dear friend. As Always,, James


Hooray for 3 months Quit.  I love your technique of asking yourself if smoking fixed anything and wish I had thought of it.  Hugs to you while you juggle all your responsibilities.


Happy 3 months to you, and your quit ! ! !        You are doing fine, and can keep it up...PLEASE do not give in to your new

smoking house guests' as it may be hard at times, but let it be your way to instill faith of your reasons to quit in the first place..

    I went out, my very FIRST day of my quit, 19 mos. ago, and subjected myself to a group of smokers, and I rather enjoyed

my observations as perhaps WHY they were smoking themselves, and reasons  to help farther MY decision to quit, and I

 did rather well with it...( I took my "Tic-Tacs" tho, just for emergency measure!)  Best to ya, and teach them well


Just so very happy for you. Congratulations,enjoy every smoke free second of your life. Live in peace and faith and be blessed.


Glad your doing sooo well!! Hope your life will settle down soon but you sound strong and able to deal with it. Good Luck and keep in touch!!


Congratulations on your great quit and reaching that three month milestone!!  Sounds like you have alot keeping you busy. 

keep that positve committed attitude you have - you can't go wrong!!!!

Best wishes and keep in touch!

About the Author
I live in Greensboro, North Carolina. I have 2 cats - Monet and Holly. I retired from teaching special education in 2004 and then taught part-time until 2013. I quit smoking on June 12, 2010 after smoking for 40 years! I am amazed daily - still - by the glory of freedom!