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Share your quitting journey

Those long days

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When we first quit, our minds are filled with resolve and a kind of confidence that can only be created out of a kind of fear of failure. Then we put out that last cigarette and it seems like almost instantly, the confidence is gone. The resolve becomes almost a fleeting memory as the addict within begins demanding nicotine.

We plunge ourselves into an unfamiliar world. One where the very thing that we believed brought us comfort can no longer be used. Somehow, we just don’t understand this and the relentless screaming of the addiction makes it even harder to understand.

And yet most of us find a way to battle through that day. Most of us discover a will power that we never thought we possessed. And at the end of the day, most believe that yes, another smoke free day can be achieved the next day.

In a quit, it seems like one day builds on the next. If we have a good day, then there’s a very good chance that the next one will be tolerable. But when we have a bad day, that too seems to build upon the next day.

For some, I think they can see a glimpse of freedom on the second day. A new confidence that perhaps the war can be won. For others, the cloud of addiction remains, even as we trudge through the day and try to find a glimpse of that freedom that everyone seems to be talking about.

But still, most find a way to get through that day. And the days continue, one after another and we become aware of the fact that this war takes time to win. This moment can be a crossroad for us. When some realize that it doesn’t end in a week or a month, but rather several months, they lose their resolve. They lose sight of why they quit and begin to once again romance the cigarette.

This brings back the cravings seemingly just as strong as before. The internal argument begins again because we’re now once again listening to the lies of addiction. And as we all know, this is dangerous thinking.

There is no easy answer to get everyone to choose the right fork in the path. It all boils down to choices. We can choose to continue to listen to our addictions and give them strength or we can choose to distract ourselves from the smoking craves. We can say that this isn’t working or we can decide that no matter how hard it is, we will win!

Very few people win the first time they decide to quit the addiction. I think that’s because we have to learn how to disassociate our addiction from the rest of the world. We have to know that losing is not an option no matter what!

As I’ve said before. The key to winning lives within all of us. It boils down to the choices we make but the actual key is what causes us to make those choices. Some have to start over to understand how to always make the right choice. Others find a way to make the right choices until they are truly free. Everyone of us have to face these choices when we quit. What will your choices be? I do hope you choose freedom over slavery . . . .

