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This thing called "Icky 3's"

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I am on day 16 of my quit. I quit using Chantix (1/2 milligram 2x daily). Thus far I am having a good quit. My only hard days were day 5 ( That was a doozie. I ended up in a black depression curled up in the fetal position for an hour) and day 11 where I cried for everything that I masked with cigarettes.

So, I've heard the "icky 3's" mentioned on quite a few websites. I am into my 3rd week and I am so happy that the tug-of-war going on in my head and my body have taken a vacation.

Can day 3, week 3, and month 3 REALLY be all that bad?
I haven't heard the 3's theory.......but I am nearing the end of my 3rd week and I have been saying all week this week has been as tough as the as I can't speak about month 3 yet, yup so far week 3 is as bad as day 3! Sandra commented to me earlier that it has something to do with the dopamine levels.....getting off whack, making us feel crazy.......all I know is I wanted to feel sorry for myself for the last few days!! But it is sooo worth it!! Congrats on your QUIT and day 16!!!! & happy Friday!
Thanks for the response. Darn! I was hoping that no one would be able to add validity to the "icky 3's". Oh well, at least I know that I should work extra hard on my quit. I wonder if my dopamine levels are as off whack since I am using Chantix. Supposedly Chantix is making the dopamine for me. Hmmm...
ahhhhh that is possible. I didn't take the I don't know...good for you, I hear that it works wonders!
I know this sounds weird, but I'm glad that I hated quitting so much! I made a decision to remember how much I hated it to prevent me from relapse and having to go through quitting again. So far, it's worked for me.
yes yes Edith - soooo TRUE!! That is so funny I was just thinking about that. My girlfriend quit 6 months before me. We were camping about a month after she quit, and drinking and she grabbed my smoke and took a hit. I remember thinking it wasn't a big deal then since she didn't do it again....but wow, it is a big deal....because she likely messed with her dopamine levels or other chemical levels that might have set her physically backwards and could have caused a big relapse. Our relapses aren't just a takes our bodies chemically back (at least this is how I imagine it anyhow)........and that scares the crap out of me.....oh boy I don't want anything to do with starting over......that is for darn sure!!!
Well Cindi from what I've been through so far I would have to agree! I haven't hit month three yet. I'm coming up on 60 days this coming week. So I interested in if anyone has had a bad month 3?
Everyone's quit is different but I have heard of the "rule of 3's" and experienced some weird stuff at the 3 month mark. I actually put up a post if you're interested: 3 Months Quit.

Now that I look back on it, I can't really tell if it was a 3 month issue or the fact that it was during the holiday season. A LOT of people on this site (myself included) were complete basket cases over the holidays.
I know for me three days sucked, three weeks, sucked worse and I am close to the three month mark and as shaky as all get out, and it sucks too, but on the positive side of that, I want to remember every painful day so that I will never want to go through this again, ever and I promise I have no desire to smoke, none. I do not look at it with longing or think of it as a friend, after these near 80 days I hate those suckers and that is the truth. I realize it is my choice and I could give in, but I refuse and know that in time I will feel like me again, of course if this was easy, no one would ever stay the quit, now would they?
Whoa....I'm on less than a week and I've cheated several times...I have made up my mind Mother's day is it! No cheating I've got Chantix also. I've heard it causes nightmares, have you had that experience?
I have not had nightmares with Chantix - just very real dreams. Some of them are very pleasant.
I am so happy for your quit! Excellent job... I am also very glad to hear that you dont have nightmares on the chantix as that seems to be a common side effect with that and most any of the quit aides. From what I gather from reading and such it isnt really the aides that are causing them as much as the sensors in the brain and such looking for the nicotine fix. I used Celexa during my first 3 weeks of my quit and I had the wort nightmares and sleep all together. I thank god for it though as Celexa took the edge and anxiety away when I needed it the most. After 2 weeks a began to wein off it and here I am today at 111 days. I did it cold turkey and never looked back! You are well on your way and before you know it you will be joining my group "Triple Digit Quitters Club". I have to tell you that hitting the 100 day mark was so awesome! I am here for you if need be..... Peace
weird thing is i have had some very vivid strange dreams since I have quit (30days) and I don't take anything....wonder if the lack of nicotene just causes the strange dreams......? anyone else not taking a quit aid have more intense dreams since your quit???
it must be true, it has been for me at least!
In my expeirience Chantix after a few days made me feel depressed.