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Share your quitting journey

This is not easy

5 29 418

I am back.  I’ve fallen off the wagon so many times since I joined this website two years ago.  I just fell again.

But this is not easy.

What “this” am I referring to?  Quitting smoking.  And staying quit.

I come to this website for education, support and community with people who have all been or currently are where I am.  I come to pledge daily, to post about my successes, my frustrations, and, as in today, my failures.

This is not easy.

I thank everyone who is encouraging me along.  All I ask is that you are understanding, patient and unconditional in your support, as I have been with everyone I’ve “met” here.  No judgment.

Thank you.


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Acerca del autor
I have smoked on and off (mostly on) for the last twenty years...quit in 2010 and was successful for 3 1/2 years. Then my husband died in January 2014, so I caved and started up, over 7 years later, I want to be done for good!!!! This quit is IT.